I use Go and Resty to make a GET Request, which returns the data as JSON like this:
[{"id":12548,"geom":"{\"type\": \"LineString\", \"coordinates\": [[14.2455, 53.5468], [14.6548, 53.5765]]}"}]
I want to unmarshal it in the following struct:
type river struct {
id integer `json:"id"`
Geometry geojson.Geometry `json:"geom"`
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(response), &river); err != nil {
I get the following error:
Error: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field river.Geometry of type geojson.Geometry
The Geometry is of this type
type Geometry struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
BBox *json.RawMessage `json:"bbox,omitempty"`
CRS *CRS `json:"crs,omitempty"`
Coordinates *json.RawMessage `json:"coordinates,omitempty"`
Geometries *json.RawMessage `json:"geometries,omitempty"`
I don't know how to get my response into a GeoJSON geometry object.开发者_开发百科
I already tried to use response.Body() and response.String() instead of response
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(response.Body()), &river); err != nil {
but without success.
for your first question, as Go compiler said, you can't unmarshal to struct directly, you should make a variable of that struct, then unmarshal that string to this variable. for example:
type river struct {
id integer `json:"id"`
Geometry geojson.Geometry `json:"geom"`
r := river{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(response), &r); err != nil {
and I didn't get your second question, I think the answer to the first question should work for the second one as well.