
transpose 1D array of leading dimension N

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-25 17:15 出处:网络
how can i transpo开发者_如何转开发se an 1d array of leading dimension N, without extra space ? any language is fineMy solution for 1D in-place Matrix transposition

how can i transpo开发者_如何转开发se an 1d array of leading dimension N, without extra space ? any language is fine

My solution for 1D in-place Matrix transposition

  mn    = M*N;      /* M rows and N columns */

  q     = mn - 1;

  i = 0;      /* Index of 1D array that represents the matrix */

  do {

    k = (i*M) % q;

    while (k>i) k = (M*k) % q;

    if (k!=i) Swap(k, i);

  } while ( ++i <= (mn -2) );

  /* Update row and column */

  matrix.M = N;

  matrix.N = M;

Transposing a non-square matrix in-place represented as a linear array is a bit of a trick.

Here is a REXX program that performs an in-place transpose of a 2D matrix represented in a one dimensional array of size M * N where M is the number of rows and N is the of columns in the non-transposed array. Once transposed, M becomes the number of columns and N becomes the number of rows.

i = 0                /* linear array index */ 
do j = 1 to N        /* j = 1 to columns of non-transposed array */ 
  do k = 1 to M      /* k = 1 to rows of non-transposed array */ 
    i = i + 1
    t = (k - 1) * N + j 
    do while t < i 
      jp = (t - 1) % M + 1 
      kp = t - (jp - 1) * M 
      t = (kp - 1) * N + jp 
    if i \= t then say 'exchange('i',' t')'   /* swap elements */

The above program displays array elements that must be exchanged to yield a transposed array.

This program will work for any sized matrix represented as a linear array where the elements are arranged by column then row. For example, an M by N matrix will have its elements arranged as follows:

X1,1, X1,2, ... X1,N, X2,1, X2,2, ... X2,N, ... XM,N

The program prints out the linear array indices of the elements that need to be exchanged to yield a transposed matrix of the form:

X1,1, X2,1, ... XM,1, X1,2, X2,2, ... XM,2, ... XM,N

For example, start with M = 4, N = 2 and an array containing:

A1, B1, A2, B2, A3, B3, A4, B4

Perform the following exchanges:

exchange(2, 3) 
exchange(3, 5) 
exchange(4, 7) 
exchange(6, 7)

and the arrangement becomes:

A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4

How does this work?

Start with a notation to identify each element in the linear array as:


where: i is the linear array index for an element in X 
       j is the row number for element in X
       k is the column number for element in X

Using this notation, an array in row major order can be generated as:

i = 0 
do j = 1 to M    /* Row counter */ 
  do k = 1 to N  /* Column counter */ 
    i = i + 1     /* array index of element j, k */ 
    say 'X['i','j','k']' 

Note that given values for j (row) and k (column), i, the linear array index for Xi,j, may be calculated as:

i = (j - 1) * N + k 

The transpose of matrix X is constructed by exchanging elements X[i,j,k] with X[t,k,j] over the range of j = 1 to M and k = 1 to N provided i > t. In essence we exchange all row variables for column variables. Using the notation described above, this amounts to exchanging linear array elements:

exchange(X[i,j,k], X[t,k,j])

Given values for j and k we can calculate the values of i and t as:

   i = (j - 1) * N + k
   t = (k - 1) * M + i

Now, proceed through the linear array making the above exchanges as i is increased from 1 to M * N. Notice that after each iteration all elements of X having an index less than or equal to i have been transposed. This is because each iteration only completes when the correct element has been exchanged into X[i].

Whenever i > t, it means that a prior exchange took place at index t. The element at t was exchanged as indicated above placing it at some new position tprime. Given an index t, we may calculate the row major index tprime as well as the row and column numbers associated with it as follows:

jprime = (t - 1) % M + 1
kprime = t - (jprime - 1) * M
tprime = (kprime - 1) * N + jprime

Again, if tprime is less than i, it means that this element was exchanged too and we must continue with another round of calculations. Set t to the calculated tprime and repeat. Eventually, i will become less than t and the exchange may be done. Basically we follow the element through all of its prior exchanges until we find it at i or to the right of i in the linear array.

Repeat this cycle for each element in the linear array and the matrix will have been transposed.

Simplest approach is just:

for each m
  for each n
    if m != n 
       swap A[m][n] and A[n][m]

This only works for square matrices of course. For in-place transpose of rectangular matrices things get a little trickier.



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