please i am building a FAQs page and i made a series of buttons which when clicked displays a hidden paragraph underneath each button, now the issue is all buttons respond to one button being clicked on and they all display their respective paragraphs, i want each button to display it's own hidden paragraph alone.
this is the react code i used
class FAQ extends React.Component {
constructor () {
this.state = {
isHidden: true,
toggleHidden () {
isHidden: !this.state.isHidden})
<div className="faq--button">
<button onClick={this.toggleHidden.bind(this)}>button to click</button>
{!this.state.isHidden && <p>lorem ipsum"</p>}
Currently isHidden is used for all buttons, which will have the same effect in each button. So you need to add separate states for each button. Like isHidden2, isHidden3....