I have a long list of all the calls a program I have does. What i need to know is which DLL each call belongs t开发者_开发百科o. How would I find this out?
hum... your title and your questions point to different things. syscalls mean something very specific, a call to the OS kernel (and those are not in dlls).
As it happens, Windows does not expose those directly, but rather exposes APIs in system DLLs that are responsible to call the syscall themselves.
So let's say you don't actually have a list of syscalls, but a list of calls. Is this list generated from a binary ? binaries actually have a list of the dlls they depend on, and a dumpbin /imports binary.exe
will actually list exactly what you're asking for.
Given the executable, the easiest way would probably be dumpbin /imports <exe_name>
. This will produce output like this:
405020 Import Address Table
4060FC Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference
126 GetModuleHandleA
150 GetStartupInfoA
405480 Import Address Table
40655C Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference
F0 GetClientRect
17A InvalidateRect
B7 EnableWindow
291 UpdateWindow
405000 Import Address Table
4060DC Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference
37 CreateFontIndirectA
1AF Rectangle
4D CreateSolidBrush
44 CreatePen
1C7 SelectObject
53 DeleteObject
14F GetObjectA
Depending on your executable, there's a pretty fair chance that you'll get more extraneous information. Since you already have a list of functions you care about, it should be pretty easy to filter this to get the information you need and leave out the rest.