When using inline cell editor in my datatable I want to round value to 10 multiple
This is my code :
var onCellEdit = function(oArgs) {
var oColumn=oArgs.editor.getColumn();
var column=oColumn.getKey();
var oRecord = oArgs.editor.getRecord();
var newValue=oRecord.getData(column);
var row = this.getRecord(oArgs.target);
// calculate the modulo
n = newValue % 10;
开发者_开发百科 if(n!=0)
mydatatable.subscribe("editorSaveEvent", onCellEdit);
Function result :
After double clicking in cell I change value to 17 for example and I click save, I want then to have 20 in my datatable cell but I got 17. After second time double clicking in my datatable cell I obtain 20 in the inline cell editor.
How to put the rounded value in my datatable cell?
When you create your inline editor in your column definition you could specify a validator which will perform your rounding:
new YAHOO.widget.TextboxCellEditor({
validator: function(data) {
// Convert to a number
var number = data * 1;
if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(number)) {
return undefined;
var n = number % 10;
return n === 0 ? number : number + 10 - n;