In system network preference there are some loca开发者_运维百科tion names.How to get the current or active network location name and list of all network locations?
I guess SystemConfiguration.framework supports this but i didn't get exactly which API to use.Thanks in advance for your answer. RegardsDevara GuddaYou can use SCPreferencesCreate
to get the preferences, then SCNetworkSetCopyAll
to get just the network locations. SCNetworkSetGetName
will get the name of a location.
SCPreferencesRef prefs = SCPreferencesCreate(NULL, @"SystemConfiguration", NULL);
NSArray *locations = (NSArray *)SCNetworkSetCopyAll(prefs);
for (id item in locations) {
NSString *name = (NSString *)SCNetworkSetGetName((SCNetworkSetRef)item);
Read "System Configuration Programming Guidelines" for more.
This is a swift 5.1 implementation to get list of all available network location
func getAvailabeNetworkLocation() -> [String]
var results = [String]()
var prefs : SCPreferences
prefs = SCPreferencesCreate (nil, "Softech" as CFString, nil)!
var sets : CFArray
sets = SCNetworkSetCopyAll (prefs)!
let count = CFArrayGetCount(sets) as Int
var newSet : SCNetworkSet? = nil
var bFound : Bool = false
for nIndex in 0..<count {
let mySet = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (sets, nIndex)
let key = Unmanaged<SCNetworkSet>.fromOpaque(mySet!)
newSet = key.takeUnretainedValue()
let name : String = SCNetworkSetGetName(newSet!)! as String
print("Network location name: \(name)")
return results