A friend built a ranking system on his site and I am trying to host in on mine via WordPress and Go Daddy. It updates for him but when I load it to my site, it works for 6 hours, but as soon as the reload is supposed to occur, it errors and I get a 500 timeout error.
His page is at: jeremynoeljohnson .com/yakezieclub
My page is currently at http://sweatingthebigstuff.com/yakezieclub but when you ?reload=1
it will give the error.
Any idea why this might be happening? Any settings that I might need to change?
Here is the top of the index.php file. I'm not sure which part of any of it is messing up. I literally uploaded the same code as him.
Here's the reload part:
$cachefile = "rankings.html";
$daycachefile = "rankings_history.xml";
$cachetime = (60 * 60) * 6; // every 6 hours, the cache refreshes
$daycachetime = (60 * 60) * 24;
// every 24 hours, the history will be written to
// - or whenever the page is requested after 24 hours has passed
$writenewdata = false;
if (!empty($_GET['reload']))
if ($_GET['reload']== 1)
$cachetime = 1;
if (!empty($_GET['reloadhistory']))
if ($_GET['reloadhistory'] == 1)
$daycachetime = 1;
$cachetime = 1;
if (file_exists($daycachefile) &&
(time() - $daycachetime < filemtime($daycachefile)))
// Do nothing
$writenewdata = true;
$cachetime = 1;
// Serve from the cache if it is younger than $cachetime
if (file_exists($cachefile) && (time() - $cachetime < filemtime($cachefile)))
echo "<!-- Cached ".date('jS F Y H:i', filemtime($cachefile))." -->";
ob_start(); // start the output b开发者_如何学JAVAuffer
I would check the permissions and path for the cache file as well as absolute paths to all the files
- http://php.net/manual/en/function.is-writable.php
- http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.is-readable.php