
C#: BackgroundWorker cloning resources?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-24 18:48 出处:网络
The problem I\'ve been struggling with this partiular problem for two days now and just run out of ideas. A little... background: we have a WinForms app that needs to access a database, construct a l

The problem

I've been struggling with this partiular problem for two days now and just run out of ideas. A little... background: we have a WinForms app that needs to access a database, construct a list of related in-memory objects from that data, and then display on a DataGridView. Important point is that we first populate an app-wide cache (List), and then create a mirror of the cache local to the form on which the DGV lives (using List constructor param).

Because fetching the data takes a good few seconds (DB sits on a LAN server) to load, we decided to use a BackgroundWorker, and only refresh the DGV once the data is loaded. However, it seems that doing the loading via a BGW results in some memory leak... or an error on my part. When loaded using a blocking method call, the app consumes about 30MB of RAM; with a BGW this jumps to 80MB! While it may not seem as much anyway, our clients are not too happy about it.

Relevant code


private void MyForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    MyRepository.Instance.FinishedEvent += RefreshCache;
private void RefreshCache(object sender, EventArgs e)
    dgvProducts.DataSource = new List<MyDataObj>(MyRepository.Products);


private static List<MyDataObj> Products { get; set; }
public event EventHandler ProductsLoaded;

public void GetProductsSync()
    List<MyDataObj> p;

    using (MyL2SDb db = new MyL开发者_运维知识库2SDb(MyConfig.ConnectionString))
        p = db.PRODUCTS
        .Select(p => new MyDataObj {Id = p.ID, Description = p.DESCR})

    Products = p;

    // tell the form to refresh UI
    if (ProductsLoaded != null)
        ProductsLoaded(this, null);


public void GetProductsAsync()
    using (BackgroundWorker myWorker = new BackgroundWorker())
        myWorker.DoWork += delegate
            List<MyDataObj> p;
            using (MyL2SDb db = new MyL2SDb(MyConfig.ConnectionString))
                p = db.PRODUCTS
                .Select(p => new MyDataObj {Id = p.ID, Description = p.DESCR})

            Products = p;

        // tell the form to refresh UI when finished
        myWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += GetProductsCompleted;

private void GetProductsCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
    if (ProductsLoaded != null)
        ProductsLoaded(this, null);


GetProductsSync or GetProductsAsync are called on the main thread, not shown above. Could it be that the GarbageCollector just gets lost with two threads? Or is it the task manager that shows incorrect values?

Will be greateful for any responses, suggestions, criticism.

Funny that - followed Henk's advice and used a real profiler (.Net Memory Profiler) rather than task manager.

While mem use numbers are almost identical, the expected number of MyDataObj instances equal to the expected (db) in both sync and async cases, Virtual Memory and Heap sizes also very close... still something curious is going on. There's always a 1.5MB difference that stems from a call to VirtualAlloc() by ntdll. About 1MB out of this comes from DllUnregisterServerInternal(), which takes up 18.7MB in the async case (vs. 17.7MB ). Most-of-the-rest comes from CoUninitializeEE() that does get called in the async version, but isn't called by the sync app (?). I know, this is digging deep in mud - apologies. The above 1.5MB is the only real difference I could find - just my wild guess that it could be a sign of something else going on.

The real question is: why does the task manager show wildly different numbers? Does it not handle BackgroundWorkers well? Have you ever come across such a massive difference (30MB vs 80MB)?

I'm not entirely sure if this will help, but in the Async method you could change this:

List<MyDataObj> p;
using (MyL2SDb db = new MyL2SDb(MyConfig.ConnectionString))
    p = db.PRODUCTS
    .Select(p => new MyDataObj {Id = p.ID, Description = p.DESCR})

Products = p;

to this:

using (MyL2SDb db = new MyL2SDb(MyConfig.ConnectionString))
    Products = db.PRODUCTS
    .Select(p => new MyDataObj {Id = p.ID, Description = p.DESCR})

I don't think you need the extra list variable in there. That might be why? You were creating a whole extra list? Either way, this is also a little cleaner looking :)



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