protected static Boolean Authentication(string username, string password)
string sqlstring;
sqlstring = "Select Username, Password, UserType from Userprofile WHERE Username='" + username + "' and Password ='" + password + "'";
// create a connection with sqldatabase
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection con = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(
"Data Source=PRADEEP-LAPTOP\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=BookStore;Integrated Security=True");
// create a sql command which will user connection string and your select statement string
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand comm = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sqlstring, con);
// create a sqldatabase reader which will execute the above command to get the values from sqldatabase
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader reader;
// open a connection with sqldatabase
// execute sql command and store a return values in reade
reader = comm.ExecuteReader();
// check if reader hase any value then return true otherwise return false
if (reader.Read())
return true;
return false;
Boolean blnresult;
blnresult = Authentication(Login2.UserName, Login2.Password);
if (blnresult == true)
Session["User_ID"] = getIDFromName(Login2.UserName);
Session["Check"] = true;
Session["Username"] = Login2.UserName;
so a user like Staff or even Administrators loging to same Index.aspx. i want to change it to different web pages.
how to change sites for each user typ开发者_如何学JAVAes. i have seperate user types. and i have taken UserType in the Authentication function.
Why don't you make your authentication method return a string? It can return the user type when a user is authenticated, and it can return empty or null when authentication fails. Then you can just say
string userType = Authentication(Login2.UserName, Login2.Password);
if(userType != string.IsNullOrEmpty)
elseif //...etc
Please use ASP.Net Forms Authentication. A lot of this work as already been done for you in a much safer way.
Using Forms Authentication in ASP.NET
15 Seconds : Using Forms Authentication in ASP.NET - Part 1
Finally, check out the builtin in ASP.Net Login Controls that can be used for logging in your users, displaying content based on user, password recovery, etc.
if (Session["UserType"] == "admin")
Refactor Authentication
into something else that returns user group or null for missing user for the provided credentials, then add switch or if-statements in the caller.