Maybe a very simple question.
How can I put in this code
<FieldRef Name="Judge_x0020_1" />
<Value Type="Text">mr. R. Sanches</Value>
A variable from jscript in the area of the code where mr. R. Sanches is written. So my jScript contains a dynamic text variable I want to replace mr. R. Sanches with. See where it says THE JAVESCRIPT VAR underneath here:
jScript code I have
<script src="/JavascriptMODS/jPointLoader.js"></script>
<script src="/JavascriptMODS/jPoint.userprofile.js"></script>
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>
// Picks the userfield it is going to search with
var user = jP.getUserProfile();
var userinfspvalue = user.Department;
// removes the non breaking space at the end of the departmentfieldcontent
var removenonbreakingspace = String.fromCharCode(160);
userinfspvalue = userinfspvalue.replace(removenonbreakingspace,'');
Userinfspvalue is the var I would like to use.
In the CAML query
<FieldRef Name="Judge_x0020_1" />
<Value Type="Text">Userinfspvalue</Value>
What is jP.getUserProfile()?
Code (i didnt create it).
* name: jPoint.userprofile.js
* purpose: get user profile info from /_layouts/userdisp.aspx
* input: none
* visibility: public
* return: jP.UserProfile (object)
* jP.UserProfile.Name
* jP.UserProfile.Account
* jP.UserProfile.Title
* jP.UserProfile.EMail
* jP.UserProfile.Notes
* jP.UserProfile.AboutMe
* jP.UserProfile.Picture
* jP.UserProfile.Department
* jP.UserProfile.JobTitle
* jP.UserProfile.SipAddress
* jP.UserProfile.SIPAddress
* jP.UserProfile.FieldCount //count of fields
* jP.UserProfile.Fields //array of field names
* jP.UserProfile.Items[0].Name ... SipAddress
* use example:
* var usrprof = jP.getUserProfile(userID); //userID is optional
* var name = usrprof.Name;
* var email = usrprof.EMail;
* var dept = usrprof.Department;
(function(jP) {
jP.getUserProfile = function (UserID) {
var ProfileURL = jP.SiteURL+"/_layouts/userdisp.aspx";
if(typeof UserID !== "undefined")
ProfileURL = ProfileURL + "?ID=" + UserID;
$.ajax( {
type: "GET", //jQuery ajax GET
async: false,
cache: false,
url: ProfileURL, //userprofile url
success: function(data){
var tags = $(data).find("h3 > a"); //look for anchor in h3 tag
if (tags.length > 0) {
var profile = {};
var fields = [];
var item = {};
$.each(tags, function(){
var name =; //name attritbute
var td = $(data).find("tr a[name='"+name+"']").parent().parent(); //get label td
var labelname = jP.strip(td.text()); //get label text as field name
if (labelname == "Picture") {
//special handling for Picture field
//concat attribute alt and src together
var img = td.siblings().find("img");
var val = img.attr("alt") + ";#" + img.attr("src");
else {
//get text of next td cell
var val = $.trim(td.siblings().text());
var intname = name.substr(name.indexOf("_")+1); //internal field name
if ($.inArray(intname, fields)==-1) { //save as internal fieldname
item[intname] = profile[intname] = val;
if ($.inArray(labelname, fields)==-1) { //save as label fieldname
item[labelname] = profile[labelname] = val;
//Set profile obj
profile["Fields"] = fields;
profile["FieldCount"] = fields.length;
profile["Items"] = [item];
//set UserProfile obj
jP["UserProfile"] = profile;
return (jP["UserProfile"])
So a few things. This is client side; the browser executes this JScript (and as such I'm choosing to refer to it as JavaScript... good call re-tagging it)
You're using a JavaScript library called jPoint... but you're trying to manipulate a CAML query.
JPoint practices what is called Information Hiding by providing you with functions like getUserProfile()
but the tradoff is that I don't get the impression you can manipulate the CAML. As a matter of fact, judging by what I see in the implementation and by what I read on their web site, I think it doesn't even CAML query but it just screen scrapes the HTML from profile pages.
So in summary, I don't think you're trying to manipulate the CAML at all but rather need to find the appropriate jPoint function to use. If jPoint doesn't have one, you'll have to ditch it and use a more traditional solution.
Why are you using jPoint instead of something a little more traditional, or server-side?
var type = document.getElementById("testd"); // remember put your things in a div or equal
type.getAttribute('Type').value = "THE JAVASCRIPT VAR";