
Commit into TortoiseSVN

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-24 17:06 出处:网络
C:\\Program Files\\TortoiseSVN\\bin /command:commit /path:******\\trunk\\dotnet /notempfile /closeonend

C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin /command:commit /path:******\trunk\dotnet /notempfile /closeonend 1000

the code above pops up a window asking for "entering a message, selecting the changed content and then clicking OK and again clicking OK again after the process completes"

I would be extremely thankful if anyone can suggest how to avoid the above said process if commit is done using cruise control (conf开发者_JAVA技巧ig file).

thanks. pratap

It's not CruiseControl that does the commit - it's just calling TortoiseSVN to trigger a GUI wrapper over a Subversion action. So to execute the commit as a silent activity (i.e. with no GUI) you simply need to replace the invocation of TortoiseSVN with a call to 'svn commit' and provide the appropriate parameters.

Svn help here.

If you are automating SVN actions, you should be using a command-line client, not TortoiseSVN. Hit that link to download a client, and see the SVN documentation as well.

From the documentation on tortoiseproc.exe here.

"You can also specify the /logmsg switch to pass a predefined log message to the commit dialog."

you may also want to append your /closeonend to be /closeonend:1 to prevent the extra confirmation click step. The switch values are also described on the documentation page.

I do not use crusecontrol but I do this sucesfully from a command file that I use to commit and publish my asp.net site.



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