I'm testing a non visual ActiveX control based on a registered .ocx which I import into Delphi using the provided wizard.
Then, I simply put the generated component on the main form of a new VCL application.
Under old Delphi versions (D5 and D2007), when i launch the application, this raise an AV during the component initialization.
with Delphi 2009 : no problem, the application starts smoothly.
My questions are :
Are there known enhancements of ActiveX management in recent Delphi versions which can explain this difference ?
Can I suspect a bug in the ActiveX control, or can I consider the origin of the problem is from old Delphi versions ?
I need to use this component (if tests OK) in D2007. Do you think that it is possible开发者_JS百科 to correct the AV problem under D2007 by modifying the D2007 generated .tlb file (for example by trying to use the D2009 generated one)
PS: the ActiveX control is not named, because my question is a general question about Delphi and ActiveX, not about a specific ActiveX control.
Edit :
With D2007, the error (an Access Violation) appears during Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); and more specifically when the Olecontrol is created :procedure TOleControl.CreateInstance;
ClassFactory2: IClassFactory2;
LicKeyStr: WideString;
procedure LicenseCheck(Status: HResult; const Ident: string);
if Status = CLASS_E_NOTLICENSED then
raise EOleError.CreateFmt(Ident, [ClassName]);
if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and
(FControlData^.LicenseKey <> nil) then
// ON THE LINE BELOW : the call of CoGetClassObject raise an AV
OleCheck(CoGetClassObject(FControlData^.ClassID, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER or
CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, nil, IClassFactory2, ClassFactory2));
LicKeyStr := PWideChar(FControlData^.LicenseKey);
LicenseCheck(ClassFactory2.CreateInstanceLic(nil, nil, IOleObject,
LicKeyStr, FOleObject), SInvalidLicense);
end else
LicenseCheck(CoCreateInstance(FControlData^.ClassID, nil,
FOleObject), SNotLicensed);
As far as I remember there were major enhancements to the ActiveX/TLB import in Delphi 2009 (related to Unicode support) - that might explain it.
In my personal experience Delphi 7 and Delphi 2007 repeatedly failed to import some Windows 7 type libraries (various new interfaces to work with new taskbar), but Delphi 2009 managed that without any problems at all.
As for using Delphi 2009 generated file in earlier versions - beware of Unicode issues. Plus it won't help if the defect is in RTL... Try to make a wrapper ActiveX in Delphi 2009 and use it in Delphi 2007 - that should work.
Sorry to barge in so late after the battle (5 years later as a matter of fact), but I wasted so much time on this precise issue that I thought I should share what I've seen and what I've done to solve it : 2 machines (win7 64 / win 8.1) same delphi 7 (same version same build), same activeX (MapX to name it) with identical .lic files containing the key made of 59 characters :
same import producing 2 slightly different TLB.
The one working : (on win 8.1) contains this in procedure TMap.InitControlData :
CLicenseKey: array[0..61] of Word = ( $0075, $0051, $006E, $005A, $0069, $0032, $0073, $0046, $0077, $0032, $0032
, $004C, $0030, $002D, $004D, $0052, $0061, $0038, $0070, $0059, $0058
, $002D, $0031, $0045, $0032, $0050, $0038, $0030, $0036, $0035, $002D
, $0035, $004E, $0035, $004D, $0033, $0034, $0035, $0039, $002D, $0033
, $0043, $0039, $0033, $0034, $0032, $0032, $0050, $0030, $002D, $004D
, $0030, $0034, $0039, $0036, $0039, $002D, $0036, $0035, $0036, $0032
, $0000);
which translates to a 61 char key
The TLB that does not work (win 7 64) contains this instead:
CLicenseKey: array[0..2] of Word = ( $0050, $004D, $0000);
which translates to a 2 char key
Replacing one const with the other and recompiling the component solved my issue. I don't really know what happened. I just know the Import/TLB produced a bad .pas file that can be corrected manually.