I want my Makefile to be as simple as possible and still function. This is what it looks like.
load: load.cpp
g++ load.cpp -g -o load开发者_StackOverflow
list: list.cpp
g++ list.cpp -g -o list
It worked fine when there was only one entry. But when I added the second entry, it doesn't check to see if it's updated and needs to be recompiled, unless I specifically supply the name. How do I fix this?
Make only makes the first target automatically. So add a new first target that depends on both the others.
all: load list
load: load.cpp
g++ load.cpp -g -o load
list: list.cpp
g++ list.cpp -g -o list
Dave Hinton has shown how to get the Makefile to work. Here's how to make it simpler:
all: load list
%: %.cpp
g++ $< -g -o $@