Say we've got a class like
public class Doer
public int Timeout {get;set;}
public string DoIt(string input)
string toReturn;
// Do something that involves a Timeout
return toReturn;
Is there a tool that would create a Form or Control for prototyping this class? The GUI might have a NumericUpDown control with a label of "Timeout" and a GroupBox with a TextBox for "input" and a button labeled "DoIt" with an eventhandler that calls Doer.DoIt
with the Text property of the input
TextBox and puts the response in another TextBox.
XAML Power Toys can generate XAML from a model
Looks a lot like Naked Objects are a good avenue to research. (Hanselminutes podcast.)
The naked objects pattern is defined by three principles:
- All business logic should be encapsulated onto the domain objects. This principle is not unique to naked objects: it is just a strong commitment to encapsulation.
- The user interface should be a direct representation of the domain objects, with all user actions consisting, explicitly, of creating or retrieving domain objects and/or invoking methods on those objects. This principle is also not unique to naked objects: it is just a specific interpretation of an object-oriented user interface (OOUI). The original idea in the naked objects pattern arises from the combination of these two, to form the third principle:
- The user interface should be created 100% automatically from the definition of the domain objects. This may be done using several different technologies, including source code generation; implementations of the naked objects pattern to date have favoured the technology of reflection. The naked objects pattern was first described formally in Richard Pawson's PhD thesis1 which includes a thorough investigation of various antecedents and inspirations for the pattern including, for example, the Morphic user interface. Naked Objects is commonly contrasted with the model-view-controller pattern. However, the published version of Pawson's thesis (see References) contains a foreword by Trygve Reenskaug, who first formulated the model-view-controller pattern, suggesting that naked objects is closer to the original intent of model-view-controller than many of the subsequent interpretations and implementations.