Is it possible开发者_高级运维 to get ref cursor from oracle stored procedure by using DAAB from Microsoft Enterprise Library 4.1?
Yes, surely you can.
PROCEDURE load_all (
p_row_start IN number,
p_page_size IN number,
cur_out OUT sys_refcursor
) AS
And on the C# side:
DbCommand cmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand("my_package.load_all", paramValues))
IDataReader r = db.ExecuteReader(cmd);
RefCursor param supposed to be named "cur_out".
DAAB does not provide a capability for us to get the Ref Cursor. The issue is System.Data.Common does not have DbType.Cursor or DbType.RefCursor type. So, there is a bit of tweaking required in the DAAB 4.1 source code. Please follow the steps provided in the following link. It works like a piece of cake.