I need to determine the amount left of a time cycle. To do that in C I would use fmod. But in ada I can find no reference to a similar function. It needs to be accurate and it needs to return a float for precision.
开发者_如何学JAVASo how do I determine the modulus of a Float in Ada 95?
elapsed := time_taken mod 10.348;
left := 10.348 - elapsed;
delay Duration(left);
Use the floating point 'Remainder attribute.
Elapsed, Time_Taken : Float;
Elapsed := Float'Remainder(Time_Taken, 10.348);
Not an answer to your actual question; but, to achieve the intention of that piece of code, consider using delay until.
Next_Time : Ada.Calendar.Time;
use type Ada.Calendar.Time;
Period : constant Duration := 10.348;
Next_Time := Ada.Calendar.Clock;
-- do stuff
Next_Time := Next_Time + Period;
delay until Next_Time;
end loop;
I don't know Ada, but assuming it has a Floor
function you could use elapsed := time_taken - Floor(time_taken / 10.348) * 10.348)
Edit: I also just found this discussion on using the Remainder attribute for this purpose.