I would like开发者_StackOverflow to remove a trailing slash from a string. For example if i have a string called $test = "test/". How would I remove the slash at the end?
With a regular expression do: $test =~ s/\/$//
Alternatively, if you're sure the last character is going to be a slash, you can use the chop function: chop $test
If you are sure that there is one / at the end all the time you can use the chop function:
$test = "test/";
$test = chop($test);
If you are not sure you can do:
$test = "test/";
$test = $1 if($test=~/(.*)\/$/);
Personally I would rephrase this to avoid the mixture of "\" and "/"
$test =~ s|/$||
If you use "|" you don't need to quote the "/"
You can use the s///
substitution operator:
$test =~ s{/\z}{};
This snippet will take care of trailing slashes, except for the root directory:
my $test = './';
$test =~ s{(.+)/\z}{\1};
print $test."\n";
Here is how it works:
The first part of the regular expression - s{(.+)/\z} - defines a group in the brackets (). This is referenced by the \1 in the second part of the regular expression - {\1}. Within this group, I defined one or more characters - .+ - followed immediately by a forward slash, followed by the absolute end of the string - \z.
The regular expression saves everything within the brackets, to be later used as \1 in the replacement specification (the second part, basically.)
This works very similar to a typical sed strategy, viz:
echo "./" | sed -e 's:\(..*\)/$:\1:'
I hope this is of help to you.