I'm getting a missing template error after I try rendering a partial from a plugin. I have included the files with the following:
%w{ models controllers helpers views }.each do |dir|
path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'app', dir)
$LOAD_PATH << path
ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_paths << path
The Models are getting loaded, but as for other things I'm not sure what's going on. The helpers are not getting loaded too because I just copied the contents of the partial from the plugin instead of the render :partial => and then it came up with a helper开发者_运维问答 error.
Question is how to be able to :render :partial => from the views folder in my plugin
For plugin views you usually just copy them to your app/views
directory, or the plugin installer copies for you. Views don't work on the $LOAD_PATH
the same way models and controllers.
In Rails 2.3.* your vendor/plugins/XXXX/app/views/ directories are automatically included in load paths. So when given the following plugin structure:
You are able to call this partial from, for example, app/views/site/index.html.rb
like this:
<%= render 'shared/box' %>