This only happens in some IE's. Here:
You may notice that when you click and drag on one of the circles, you will get something similar to this:
I cannot figure it out. Here is my image map:
<p class="style2">
<map id="FPMap0" name="FPMap0">
<area coords="405, 8, 375, 10, 353, 13, 322, 30, 317, 48, 327, 69, 344, 75, 370, 84, 401, 86, 428, 81, 454, 69, 466, 56, 468, 37, 452, 19, 419, 9" href="le_developpement_des_equipes_de_travail.php" shape="poly" style="outline:0" target="_blank" />
<area coords="95, 164, 65, 166, 43, 174, 21, 186, 16, 206, 27, 225, 48, 237, 76, 241, 99, 241, 129, 236, 151, 228, 165, 214, 167, 194, 154, 177, 130, 168, 105, 165" href="le_developpement_operationnel.php" shape="poly" style="outline:0" target="_blank" />
<area coords="138, 17, 115, 7, 95, 8, 63, 8, 41, 20, 21, 35, 23, 60, 42, 74, 77, 83, 117, 86, 144, 76, 164, 62, 173, 40, 156, 21, 137, 12" href="coaching_strategique_de_cadre.php" shape="poly" style="border-width:0" target="_blank" />
<img alt="services entreprise" height="258" src="Images/service_ent.PNG" width="490" usemap="#FPMap0" /></p>
I really ho开发者_C百科pe someone can figure this out because I'v tried everything...
I had the same problem, solved it by applying onfocus="this.blur();
inside area element..
It's too late for you but might help others..:)
Thanks, Sundip
That might be the outline
of the coordinates. I'm not sure which element precisely you need to target to remove it, but if you try:
p.style2 * :active,
p.style2 * :focus {outline: none; }
That should remove them, I think.