I'm considering using bundler for deploying a Spree app on Heroku. My question is, is bundler ready for prime time? I know there are some rough edges but I guess I'd like to know more about what the current limitations are and figure out if this is an option for us.
Specifically, I'd like to do the git repository stuff
git "git://github.com/indirect/rails3-generators.git"
gem "rails3-generator
Does anyone want to encourage/discourage me from this course of action? Anybody have experience with this on Heroku in particular?
Bundler seems to be working for me. There are some rough edges. But on the whole, it is very far along.
I can deploy to Heroku just fine with Bundler.
Keep in mind that the latest version of Bundler requires updated Rubygems. So you cannot use the default Heroku stack. Instead, you have to use one of the updated stacks (bamboo-ree-1.8.7 or bamboo-mri-1.9.1).
See A Heroku blog article on Bundler: in short: native support.
Outside of Heroku, my current project tried to use Bundler on a Rails+RubyEnterpriseEdition+Passenger combo and it didn't work so well. Could have been we didn't know enough about Bundler, or it needed a month or two to mature, but that's what our story was.