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开发者_如何学PythonClosed 4 years ago.
Improve this questionI am looking for a good geolocation api to use from bash. I want this call to return at the very minimum the name of the city I am in, and the state.
I imagine that there must be some site I can curl, or some scripting language that has a package that works. The machine does not have a GPS, but it does use wireless internet most of the time if that is needed.
I was looking at this problem again recently and found whereami
, a geolocation bash script for Mac OS X Snow Leopard, which takes advantage of Core Location. This will tend to be much more precise than IP geolocation, and it works well in my tests.
Since whereami is not (officially) available for Swift 2 and Swift 3, I digged a bit deeper and found locateme what does its job on OSX 10.12.4:
parameter is nice:
geolocate-cli is still in alpha but should do the job.
Scraping the first Google hit result for "geoip" seems to work easily enough.
$ curl http://www.maxmind.com/app/locate_my_ip | > awk '/<table>/{RS=RS RS}/tblProduct1/'
I haven't checked their EULA to see if using their service this way is okay, but they do also provide GeoIP libraries for C, Perl, Python, etc. with a "lite" database that you can distribute (with conditions).
If your platform is a *nixlike that supports network-manager
, you can use this script:
curl "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/browserlocation/json?browser=firefox&key=AIzaSyDBgL8fm9bD8RLShATOLI1xKmFcZ4ieMkM&sensor=true" --data-urlencode "`nmcli -f SSID,BSSID,SIGNAL dev wifi list |perl -ne "if(s/^(.+?)\s+(..:..:..:..:..:..)\s+(.+?)\s*$/&wifi=mac:\2|ssid:\1|ss:\3/g){print;}"`"
Check out How to create a script to query Google Browserlocation for more details.
Notice that there's some limit to this service. It was working fine, at first, but now I get "status" : "OVER_QUERY_LIMIT"
. I don't know what the limit is because I can only seem to find geocoding references, but if anyone knows, please tell me!
Wireless internet meaning WiFi, CDMA2k, UMTS, EDGE... ? And your carrier? Not that it matters.
Really. I'd start investing in a GPS dongle.