I have added an image to my form's resource file, myForm.resx, and I would like to use it in my code file, myForm.cs, but I am not entirely clear on h开发者_StackOverflow中文版ow to get a handle to it.
You can just use Visual Studio to add it (Project, Properties, Resources, Add existing file), and then access it by name:
Bitmap bmp = Properties.Resources.<name_you_gave_it>;
See MSDN for ResourceManager
rm = new ResourceManager("Images", this.GetType().Assembly);
pictureBox1.Image = (System.Drawing.Image)rm.GetObject("flag");
The following code is extracted from this link
// Creates the ResourceManager.
System.Resources.ResourceManager myManager = new
// Retrieves String and Image resources.
System.String myString;
System.Drawing.Image myImage;
myString = myManager.GetString("StringResource");
myImage = (System.Drawing.Image)myManager.GetObject("ImageResource");
pictureBox1.Image = new Bitmap (global::<<project namespace>>.Properties.Resources.<<Filename>>);
Like the following, the one I implemented:
pboxSignedInStaffIcon.Image = new Bitmap(global::EasyRent.Properties.Resources.worker1);