I want the html are fully loaded then execute the inline javascript because this script stops the开发者_高级运维 load of the html document.
To try to solve this problem I put the inline javascript code at the end inside a div then i use the jquery .append method
This works and appends the inline js that is located inside #subhimedia and takes it inside the #himedia div.
The probblem is that duplicate the #subhimedia div and in internet explorer it freeze the browser.
The inline javascript is:
<!--JavaScript Tag // Tag for network 258: Hi-Media Portugal // Website: Lifecooler // Page: HOME // Placement: HOME_MREC_300x250 (1653713) // created at: Aug 29, 2008 1:35:27 PM-->
<script language="javascript"><!--
document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="javascript1.1" src="http://adserver.adtech.de/addyn|3.0|258|1653713|0|170|ADTECH;loc=100;target=_blank;grp=[group];misc='+new Date().getTime()+'"></scri'+'pt>');
</script><noscript><a href="http://adserver.adtech.de/adlink|3.0|258|1653713|0|170|ADTECH;loc=300;grp=[group]" target="_blank"><img src="http://adserver.adtech.de/adserv|3.0|258|1653713|0|170|ADTECH;loc=300;grp=[group]" border="0" width="300" height="250"></a></noscript>
<!-- End of JavaScript Tag -->
You could see the url here: http://www.niceoutput.com/jquery/
Thanks in advance for your help
Since you are using jQuery, wouldn't
//your code to execute when HTML is fully loaded
// your code here
before writing any jquery codes..