I'm writing a script to output Google Analytics API data and insert it into a bar chart using Google Charts API. When I have a string like this in the URL, I get the desired result.
However, when I have the following string in the URL, I get an error: Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in gaFeedData.php on line 56
(the m[]=8 is interchangeable with m[]=9. For whatever reason, m[]=10, m[]=11 and m[]=12 work.)
Also note, that GA does have data for those months.
My PHP code follows, with authentication information left out:
$accountType = 'GOOGLE'; // DONT EDIT! // Account type
$source = 'report'; // DONT EDIT! // Application name
$accountName = 'user@gmail.com'; // User's email
$accountPass = 'password'; // User's password
$clientName = 'useratgmail'; // Client's name
$goalid = $_GET['goal'];
$startdate = $_GET['startdate'];
$enddate = $_GET['enddate'];
$y[0] = 0;
$m[0] = 0;
$y = $_GET["y"];
$m = $_GET["m"];
$URIAuth = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin';
$URIFeedAcct = 'https://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/accounts/default?prettyprint=true';
$URIFeedData = 'https://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/data?prettyprint=true';
$TABLE_ID = 'ga:11111111';
foreach ($y as $yy) {
if ($yy%400==0) $leapyear='1';
elseif ($yy%100== 0) $leapyear='0';
elseif ($yy%4==0) $leapyear='1';
else 开发者_开发百科 $leapyear='0';
$month = array();
$month[01][dfirst] = $yy.'-01-01';
$month[01][dlast] = $yy.'-01-31';
$month[02][dfirst] = $yy.'-02-01';
if ($leapyear=='1') $month[02][dlast] = $yy.'-02-29';
else $month[02][dlast] = $yy.'-02-28';
$month[03][dfirst] = $yy.'-03-01';
$month[03][dlast] = $yy.'-03-31';
$month[04][dfirst] = $yy.'-04-01';
$month[04][dlast] = $yy.'-04-30';
$month[05][dfirst] = $yy.'-05-01';
$month[05][dlast] = $yy.'-05-31';
$month[06][dfirst] = $yy.'-06-01';
$month[06][dlast] = $yy.'-06-30';
$month[07][dfirst] = $yy.'-07-01';
$month[07][dlast] = $yy.'-07-31';
$month[08][dfirst] = $yy.'-08-01';
$month[08][dlast] = $yy.'-08-31';
$month[09][dfirst] = $yy.'-09-01';
$month[09][dlast] = $yy.'-09-30';
$month[10][dfirst] = $yy.'-10-01';
$month[10][dlast] = $yy.'-10-31';
$month[11][dfirst] = $yy.'-11-01';
$month[11][dlast] = $yy.'-11-30';
$month[12][dfirst] = $yy.'-12-01';
$month[12][dlast] = $yy.'-12-31';
foreach ($m as $mm) {
$ch = curl_init($URIFeedData.'&ids='.$TABLE_ID.'&start-date='.$month[$mm][dfirst].'&end-date='.$month[$mm][dlast].'&metrics=ga:visits,ga:visitors,ga:pageviews,ga:timeOnSite'.'&alt=json');
$fp = fopen("$clientName.data.feed", "w");
$accountAuth = exec('awk /Auth=.*/ '.$clientName.'.auth');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Authorization: GoogleLogin $accountAuth","GData-Version: 2"));
$jsonfile = fopen("$clientName.data.feed", "r");
$jsondata = fread($jsonfile, filesize("$clientName.data.feed"));
$output = json_decode($jsondata, 512);
$data[$yy][$mm][visits] = $output[feed]["dxp\$aggregates"]["dxp\$metric"][0][value];
echo $data[$yy][$mm][visits].", ";
You need to put your two-digit month names into quotes:
$month["07"][dfirst] = $yy.'-07-01';
otherwise, PHP will interpret the number as an octal value:
Formally, the structure for integer literals is:
decimal : [1-9][0-9]*
| 0
hexadecimal : 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+
octal : 0[0-7]+
I assume that in declaring the array members the way you do, the octal notation will lead to the wrong keys being set.
I believe @Pekka is correct. I wanted to mention, everywhere you have [dfirst]
and [dlast]
, you should be enclosing the indexes in quotes. So:
if ($leapyear=='1') $month[02][dlast] = $yy.'-02-29';
else $month[02][dlast] = $yy.'-02-28';
should be:
if ($leapyear=='1') $month['02']['dlast'] = $yy.'-02-29';
else $month['02']['dlast'] = $yy.'-02-28';