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I use git; and love git grep.
Does anyone have a particularly nice set of techniques / scripts for using git grep inside of vim?
You do have this VIM extension (created by Timo Hirvonen back in 2006!)
git grep <pattern>
searches for a pattern in a currently selected git branch.
This adds:G <pattern>
command to run the command from within Vim.func GitGrep(...) let save = &grepprg set grepprg=git\ grep\ -n\ $* let s = 'grep!' for i in a:000 let s = s . ' ' . i endfor exe s copen let &grepprg = save endfun command -nargs=? G call GitGrep(<f-args>)
As noted by dafnahaktana in the comments:
let s = 'grep'
is replaced withlet s = '!grep'
, to avoid automatically jumping to the first match (why would I want to?).
And also add the commandcopen
after the commandexe s
, so that the matching list automatically opens.
You can also limit searching to files matching a pattern (Git will do the pattern matching):
:G <pattern> -- '*.c'
The following addition will run
git grep
on the word under the cursor when Ctrl+X G is pressed.func GitGrepWord() normal! "zyiw" call GitGrep('-w -e ', getreg('z')) endf nmap <C-x>G :call GitGrepWord()<CR>
Check also fugitive.vim - A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
(that is its official tag-line ;) ), from Tim Pope (see the Git repo project):
It includes, amongst many other commands, one for a git grep
call s:command("-bar -bang -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:EditComplete Ggrep :execute s:Grep(<bang>0,<q-args>)")
call s:command("-bar -bang -nargs=* -complete=customlist,s:EditComplete Glog :execute s:Log('grep<bang>',<f-args>)")
function! s:Grep(bang,arg) abort
let grepprg = &grepprg
let grepformat = &grepformat
let cd = exists('*haslocaldir') && haslocaldir() ? 'lcd ' : 'cd '
let dir = getcwd()
execute cd.'`=s:repo().tree()`'
let &grepprg = s:repo().git_command('--no-pager', 'grep', '-n')
let &grepformat = '%f:%l:%m'
exe 'grep! '.a:arg
let list = getqflist()
for entry in list
if bufname(entry.bufnr) =~ ':'
let entry.filename = s:repo().translate(bufname(entry.bufnr))
unlet! entry.bufnr
elseif a:arg =~# '\%(^\| \)--cached\>'
let entry.filename = s:repo().translate(':0:'.bufname(entry.bufnr))
unlet! entry.bufnr
call setqflist(list,'r')
if !a:bang && !empty(list)
return 'cfirst'
return ''
let &grepprg = grepprg
let &grepformat = grepformat
execute cd.'`=dir`'
Still in the same set of Git encapsulation (including git grep
), you have:
MinSCM : An abstract front-end for Mercurial/Git/Bazaar , from Takeshi NISHIDA:
See his Git repo
alt text http://bitbucket.org/ns9tks/vim-minscm/wiki/log.png
:MinSCMGrep[!] (Default mapping: \sg)
Searches for specified pattern and creates a |quickfix| list.
Used SCM commands ~
- hg :
grep -n
- git :
grep -n -e
- bzr : (unavailable)
You also have this set of vim commands, from the Git project git grep vim, from tjennings.
(inspired from the ack.vim : Plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack' from Miles Sterrett)
let g:gitgrepprg="git\\ grep\\ -n"
function! GitGrep(args)
let grepprg_bak=&grepprg
exec "set grepprg=" . g:gitgrepprg
execute "silent! grep " . a:args
botright copen
let &grepprg=grepprg_bak
exec "redraw!"
function! GitGrepAdd(args)
let grepprg_bak=&grepprg
exec "set grepprg=" . g:gitgrepprg
execute "silent! grepadd " . a:args
botright copen
let &grepprg=grepprg_bak
exec "redraw!"
function! LGitGrep(args)
let grepprg_bak=&grepprg
exec "set grepprg=" . g:gitgrepprg
execute "silent! lgrep " . a:args
botright lopen
let &grepprg=grepprg_bak
exec "redraw!"
function! LGitGrepAdd(args)
let grepprg_bak=&grepprg
exec "set grepprg=" . g:gitgrepprg
execute "silent! lgrepadd " . a:args
botright lopen
let &grepprg=grepprg_bak
exec "redraw!"
command! -nargs=* -complete=file GitGrep call GitGrep(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=* -complete=file GitGrepAdd call GitGrepAdd(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=* -complete=file LGitGrep call LGitGrep(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=* -complete=file LGitGrepAdd call LGitGrepAdd(<q-args>)
I found a gist that open results from git grep
in a quickfix window to jump around:
<C-x><C-x> runs grep for the word under the cursor
:G <word> runs grep
:Gi <word> runs grep as case-insensitive
Just add the content of the gist to your ~/.vimrc