Thanks for taking a look at this.
The issue has to do with the following sql query. Basically it recursively finds all pages underneath a certain page(master page), and then applies the master page's categories(looked up in the xref_pages_categories) to all of those pages.
Upon running the insert, querying the table for data that should have been inserted completely hangs.
If i run the query without the insert line, the results come back perfectly, like:
3245 490
3249 490
3252 490
But upon putting the insert in front of it and inserting, querying for pageid=3245 just hangs. Any ideas?
declare @page int;
set @page=3202;
begin transaction transki;
With FindAllPagesUnderneath(PageID, ParentID) as
select id as PageID, ParentPageId as ParentID
from pages where id=@page
union all
select id as PageID, ParentPageID as ParentID
from pages p
inner join FindAllPagesUnderneath mp on
insert into xref_pages_categories (PageID, CategoryID)
--get records that definitely arent already in xref_pages_categories
select * from
select distinct thegood.*
--get all pages under @page attached to new categoryid
select distinct fap2.PageID, fapo.CategoryID
from FindAllPagesUnderneath fap2
cross join (
select fap.PageID,xpc.categoryid
from xref_pages_categories xpc
inner join FindAllPagesUnderneath fap
on fap.PageID=xpc.pageid
where fap.pageid!=1 and
and fap.parentid=1332
) fapo
where fap2.pageid !=@page
) thegood
left outer join xref_pages_categories开发者_如何学运维 xpc
on xpc.pageid = thegood.pageid
where xpc.pageid is null
) final
without looking into all of your code, at execution plans, or locking/blocking issues, you could try this hack:
create this table before the CTE:
PageID ...
,CategoryID ...
INSERT into it and not xref_pages_categories
(using the CTE SELECT)
then put this at the end of the code block:
insert into xref_pages_categories (PageID, CategoryID)
SELECT PageID, CategoryID FROM #TempResults
This INSERT should run faster and hopefully not lock/block like they are doing now as part of the CTE.