Someone does 20 Hours 42 Minutes & 16 Seconds in one shift totaling 74536 seconds. How do I get the hours from number of seconds the person has done for that shift?
20 * 60 * 开发者_JAVA技巧60 = 72000
42 * 60 = 2520
16 = 16
+ -----
Total = 74536
Total % 60 = Seconds (16)
Total % ? = Minutes (42)
Total % ? = Hours (20)
Tried 84600 already; turns out when a number is lower the modulus, it really is not very helpful, and something I am going to have to catch should someone only sign in for a few seconds ...
You need to use both modulus and division:
t = seconds_in_shift;
secs = t % 60;
t /= 60;
mins = t % 60;
t /= 60;
hour = t;
secs = ttime % 60;
mins = (ttime / 60) % 60;
hour = ttime / 3600;
One other option uses the div()
function from Standard C (<stdlib.h>
div_t v1 = div(ttime, 60);
div_t v2 = div(v1.quot, 60);
After that, v1.rem
contains the seconds; v2.rem
contains the minutes, and v2.quot
contains the hours based on the number of seconds originally in ttime
Based on Jonathan's reply, I believe the accurate answer should be this…
$total_time = 61000;
$sec = $total_time % 60;
$total_time = ($total_time - $sec) / 60;
$min = $total_time % 60;
$hour = ($total_time - $min) / 60;
echo "$hour hours, $min minutes and $sec seconds";
But if your server has PHP7 installed, you can use the intdiv() function. An integer division in which the remainder is discarded.
// $hour = ($total_time - $min) / 60; old code but still works
$hour = intdiv($total_time, 60); // PHP7 and above code