The Problem:
I want to return all of the rows from the Primary Data table together with the Highest Priority Exception based on the currently assigned Priority in an Exception table.
I have created a simplified example of my data set-up below (with creation scripts) so hopefully you can help with what should be a fairly quick T-SQL problem.
The setup:
I have a primary data table where each row can have one or more exceptions stored as a bit mask.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PrimaryData](
SomeData [VARCHAR](30) NOT NULL,
Exceptions [INT] NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO [dbo].[PrimaryData](SomeData, Exceptions)
VALUES('Data A', 0)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[PrimaryData](SomeData, Exceptions)
VALUES('Data B', 6)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[PrimaryData](SomeData, Exceptions)
VALUES('Data C', 6)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Pri开发者_如何学JAVAmaryData](SomeData, Exceptions)
VALUES('Data D', 192)
INSERT INTO [dbo].[PrimaryData](SomeData, Exceptions)
VALUES('Data E', 132)
The Exceptions are stored in a lookup table purely because each of them is given a user assigned priority. This table cannot have rows added or deleted by the end user they just have control of the priority of each exception with 1 being the highest.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Exception](
Priority [INT] NOT NULL,
Description [VARCHAR](30) NOT NULL
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Exception] (Priority, Mask, Description)
VALUES(1, 1, 'Exception A')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Exception] (Priority, Mask, Description)
VALUES(2, 2, 'Exception B')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Exception] (Priority, Mask, Description)
VALUES(3, 4, 'Exception C')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Exception] (Priority, Mask, Description)
VALUES(4, 8, 'Exception D')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Exception] (Priority, Mask, Description)
VALUES(5, 16, 'Exception E')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Exception] (Priority, Mask, Description)
VALUES(6, 32, 'Exception F')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Exception] (Priority, Mask, Description)
VALUES(7, 64, 'Exception G')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Exception] (Priority, Mask, Description)
VALUES(8, 128, 'Exception H')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Exception] (Priority, Mask, Description)
VALUES(9, 256, 'Exception I')
So based on the sample data supplied I want to return SomeData, Mask (of highest priority) and Description (of highest priority).
| Data B | 2 | Exception B
Obviously I need to do this in the most efficient way possible as there could be 25K rows being returned in the Primary Data Table.
Thanks in advance.
FROM PrimaryData pd
FROM Exception e
WHERE e.Mask & pd.Exceptions <> 0
) q
This will get what you want for a single PrimaryData row.
select top 1 SomeData, Mask
from PrimaryData
inner join Exceptions
on (PrimaryData.Exceptions & Exceptions.Mask <> 0)
where PrimaryData.Id = 27
order by Priority
For all the rows, something like this should work (edited as suggested by Quassnoi)
with data as (
select SomeData, Mask, row_number() over
(partition by PrimaryData.Id order by Priority) AS row
from PrimaryData
inner join Exceptions
on (PrimaryData.Exceptions & Exceptions.Mask <> 0)
select *
from data
where row = 1
Edited to change | to &
My answer is inspired by the "Find integer log base 10 of an integer the obvious way" trick found here.
Note that if you were to arrange the priorities so that the highest bit corresponds to the highest priority exception, you could use the trick directly, adapted for base 2. Alternatively, you could join on the simple formula FLOOR(LOG(Exceptions)/LOG(2)
. (In both of these solutions, you would need to allow the most significant bit of the mask to go unused or special case it since it makes the integer negative.)
SELECT SomeData, Mask, Description
FROM PrimaryData
WHEN Exceptions & 0x1 <> 0 THEN 1
WHEN Exceptions & 0x2 <> 0 THEN 2
WHEN Exceptions & 0x4 <> 0 THEN 4
WHEN Exceptions & 0x8 <> 0 THEN 8
WHEN Exceptions & 0x10 <> 0 THEN 16
WHEN Exceptions & 0x20 <> 0 THEN 32
WHEN Exceptions & 0x40 <> 0 THEN 64
WHEN Exceptions & 0x80 <> 0 THEN 128
WHEN Exceptions & 0x100 <> 0 THEN 256
WHEN Exceptions & 0x200 <> 0 THEN 512
WHEN Exceptions & 0x400 <> 0 THEN 1024
WHEN Exceptions & 0x800 <> 0 THEN 2048
WHEN Exceptions & 0x1000 <> 0 THEN 4096
WHEN Exceptions & 0x2000 <> 0 THEN 8192
WHEN Exceptions & 0x4000 <> 0 THEN 16384
WHEN Exceptions & 0x8000 <> 0 THEN 32768
WHEN Exceptions & 0x10000 <> 0 THEN 65536
WHEN Exceptions & 0x20000 <> 0 THEN 131072
WHEN Exceptions & 0x40000 <> 0 THEN 262144
WHEN Exceptions & 0x80000 <> 0 THEN 524288
WHEN Exceptions & 0x100000 <> 0 THEN 1048576
WHEN Exceptions & 0x200000 <> 0 THEN 2097152
WHEN Exceptions & 0x400000 <> 0 THEN 4194304
WHEN Exceptions & 0x800000 <> 0 THEN 8388608
WHEN Exceptions & 0x1000000 <> 0 THEN 16777216
WHEN Exceptions & 0x2000000 <> 0 THEN 33554432
WHEN Exceptions & 0x4000000 <> 0 THEN 67108864
WHEN Exceptions & 0x8000000 <> 0 THEN 134217728
WHEN Exceptions & 0x10000000 <> 0 THEN 268435456
WHEN Exceptions & 0x20000000 <> 0 THEN 536870912
WHEN Exceptions & 0x40000000 <> 0 THEN 1073741824
WHEN Exceptions & 0x80000000 <> 0 THEN -2147483648
END = Mask
WHERE Exceptions <> 0
ORDER BY PrimaryData.Id
First you create a (deterministic) function that retrieves the exception mask. This one takes the lowest bit:
CREATE FUNCTION GetPriorityMask(@value int)
RETURNS smallint
with schemabinding
declare @mask smallint
if @value = 0 return null
set @mask = 1
while @mask <= @value
if @value | @mask = @value
set @mask = @mask * 2
RETURN @mask
Then you add a persisted computed column to your PrimaryDataTable the value is the result of the function.
alter table PrimaryData
add PriorityMask as (dbo.GetPriorityMask(Exceptions)) persisted
And now you van just add an index to the column
create index IX_PrimaryDate_PriorityMask
on PrimaryData(PriorityMask)
Of course it is not a bad idea to also add a foreign key, but first you should add a unique key to the exceptions table:
alter table Exception
add constraint UQ_Exception_Mask UNIQUE (Mask)
now add the foreign key
alter table PrimaryData
add constraint FK_PrimaryData_Exception foreign key(PriorityMask) references Exception(Mask)
and now retrieve your data:
select *
from PrimaryData
left join Exception on PrimaryData.PriorityMask = Exception.Mask