I've been trying to set up a forgot password facility on a website which I am building but each time I try to load the page I am greeted by the error:
Warning: mail() [function.ma开发者_如何学Goil]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set()
How do I go about resolving this?
here is the code I have so far:
if (array_key_exists('forgot',$_POST)) {
$email = $_POST['email'];
mysql_select_db($database_speedycms, $speedycms);
$query_email = "SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE email='$email'";
$email = mysql_query($query_email, $speedycms) or die(mysql_error());
$row_email = mysql_fetch_assoc($email);
$totalRows_user = mysql_num_rows($email);
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='$email'");
if($totalRows_user == 0)
echo "<span class='form2'>We're sorry, but we could not find a user with that email address.<p>Please try again.<p>
<a href='forgotpassword.php' class='form'>Return</a></span>";
// create a random password
function createRandomPassword() {
$chars = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz023456789";
$i = 0;
$pass = '' ;
while ($i <= 7) {
$num = rand() % 33;
$tmp = substr($chars, $num, 1);
$pass = $pass . $tmp;
return $pass;
$password = createRandomPassword();
// generate email
$username = $row_email['username'];
$msg = "Your new login information is:\n\n";
$msg .= "Username: $username\n";
$msg .= "Password: $password\n";
mail("$email", "Speedy CMS Login Information", "$msg", "From:noreply@domain.com");
// display message
echo "<span class='form2'>Thanks. Your new password has been sent to <i>".$row_email['email']."</i>.<p>
<a href='index.php' class='form'>Return</a></span>";
Looks like your server doesn't have a smtp mailserver running. You could use these functions to set a different smtp server:
ini_set('SMTP', "server.com");
ini_set('smtp_port', "25");
ini_set('sendmail_from', "email@domain.com");
Of course you must know an active smtp server.
Good luck!
You have to configure these values on php.ini
SMTP = smtp.yourdomain.com
smtp_port = 25
username = info@yourdomain.com
password = yourmailpassord
sendmail_from = info@yourdomain.com
You can provide same details as in outlook config. Some servers are checking "sendmail_from" adress also.
It looks like you do not have a SMTP server running on the system your website is running. What kind a server is it?
Looks like you are using a local PHP installation (using WAMPSERVER, EasyPHP or else) because "real" hosts rarely misconfig their server. If it's the case, edit the php.ini and use your ISP settings example:
[mail function]
SMTP = mail.yourdomain.com
smtp_port = 25
Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 550 Access denied - Invalid HELO name (See
RFC2821 in C:\AppServ\www\VOGUE\email.php on line 38
after add following codes...............
ini_set('SMTP', "server.com");
ini_set('smtp_port', "25");
ini_set('sendmail_from', "email@domain.com");
how to add password of "sendmail_from" account???????