I'd like to set default database schema in Oracle Connection URL
My sample SQL statement:
select monkey_name from animals.monkey
I need to query database without schema prefix animals.
i.e. when I run this statement
select monkey_name from monkey
it will use animals
schema by default.
What do I need to specify in connection URL above get such effect?
You can't put anything in the connection URL.
In Oracle each user has their own schema (even if doesn't contain any objects) and that is their default schema. Once logged in/connected, they can change their default schema with an
So you'd need to do the extra statement after connecting. It is possible to have a logon trigger on the user and/or database that will run this when they log in. I'd personally prefer an explicit statement when an application connects.
If you use C3PO you can make it do it when it checks the connection out.
As properties:
c3p0.preferredTestQuery=alter session set current_schema=animals
As Java code:
ComboPooledDataSource dataSource = new ComboPooledDataSource();
dataSource.setPreferredTestQuery("alter session set current_schema=animals");
Downside is this will happen every time the connection is taken out of the pool.
If you are using a JDBC connection yourself you could just do:
Connection connection = getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@//server:1521/instance", "username", "password");
connection.createStatement().execute("alter session set current_schema=animals"));
What about the use of synonyms?
create synonym monkey for animals.monkey;
select monkey_name from monkey
You can create a trigger using connection DB user to change the current schema.
create or replace trigger SET_SCHEMA_AFTER_LOGON
after logon on database
execute immediate 'alter session set CURRENT_SCHEMA=animals';
Since Java 1.7 there is a setSchema
method on java.sql.Connection
In the Oracle's oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection
implementation this method execute the alter session set current_schema = ?