
How can I use the same tokenizer across models with validates_length_of?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-21 17:26 出处:网络
I have the following validation in a model: validates_length_of :description, :minimum => 2, :on => :save,

I have the following validation in a model:

validates_length_of :description,
  :minimum => 2, :on => :save,
  :message => "must be at least 2 words",
  :tokenizer => lambda {|text| text.scan(/\w+/)}

And this works fine. When I add a second field to the model that needs to be validated by number of words, I declare

tokenize_by_words = lambda {|text| text.scan(/\w+/)}

at the top of the model, and use

:tokenizer => tokenize_by_words

This also works fine, and keeps everything DRY. However, it all falls apart when I need to use the same tokenizer across multiple models. If I create config/initializers/tokenizers.rb thus:

class ActiveRecord::Base
  tokenize_by_words = lambda {|text| text.scan(/\w+/)}

and remove th开发者_运维知识库e definitions in the models, I get /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.5/lib/active_record/base.rb:1959:in 'method_missing': undefined local variable or method 'tokenize_by_words' for #<Class:0x10357e988> (NameError)

Using an instance variable or replacing the whole thing with a method doesn't work either.

I'm sure there's something blindingly obvious I'm missing, but the only documentation I can find on :tokenizer doesn't really consider DRY-ness :(

You should define the tokenizer as a method, i.e.

class ActiveRecord::Base
  def foo(text)

Now use this method symbol as the value for :tokenizer attribute.

validates_length_of :description,
  :minimum => 2, :on => :save,
  :message => "must be at least 2 words",
  :tokenizer => :foo

You'll be able to use :symbol for tokenizer.
Please stay tuned ;)

class Article
  include ActiveModel::Model

  validates_length_of :content,
    :minimum => 10,
    :message => "must be at least 10 words",
    :tokenizer => :tokenize_by_words

  def tokenize_by_words(text)

Allow symbol as values for tokenizer of LengthValidator by kakipo · Pull Request #16381 · rails/rails



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