
How to implement CCAvenue payment gateway option [closed]

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-21 11:35 出处:网络
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Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.

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Closed 8 years ago.

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We need to implement CCAvenue payment gateway option. How can I do this using ASP.net/C#?

Please check the Integration Manual in ccavenue offical site.I hope it will help you


I have got it resolved. Yes CCAvenue provides good support. But the person who uses asp.net forum will always look for asp.net codes and direct answers. :)

I hope this will help someone. I have created two properties in code behind. One is to return checksum value and another one is to return details about the checkout items.

public string CCAvenueItemList
        StringBuilder CCAvenueItems = new StringBuilder();
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        DataTable dtClientInfo = new DataTable();
        dt = (DataTable)Session["CheckedItems"];
        dtClientInfo = (DataTable)Session["ClientInfo"];
        for (int i = 0; i <= dt.Rows.Count - 1; i++)

            string amountTemplate = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Amount\" value=\"$Amount$\" />\n";
            string orderTemplate = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"Order_Id\" value=\"$Order_Id$\" />\n";

            // BILLING INFO
            string billingNameTemplate = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"billing_cust_name\" value=\"$billing_cust_name$\" />\n";
            string billingCustAddressTemplate = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"billing_cust_address\" value=\"$billing_cust_address$\" />\n";
            string billingCountryTemplate = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"billing_cust_country\" value=\"$billing_cust_country$\" />\n";
            string billingEmailTemplate = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"billing_cust_email\" value=\"$billing_cust_email$\" />\n";
            string billingTelTemplate = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"billing_cust_tel\" value=\"$billing_cust_tel$\" />\n";
            string billingStateTemplate = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"billing_cust_state\" value=\"$billing_cust_state$\" />\n";
            string billingCityTemplate = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"billing_cust_city\" value=\"$billing_cust_city$\" />\n";
            string billingZipTemplate = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"billing_zip_code\" value=\"$billing_zip_code$\" />\n";

            billingCustAddressTemplate = billingCustAddressTemplate.Replace("$billing_cust_address$", dtClientInfo.Rows[0]["Address"].ToString());
            billingCountryTemplate = billingCountryTemplate.Replace("$billing_cust_country$", dtClientInfo.Rows[0]["Country"].ToString());
            billingEmailTemplate = billingEmailTemplate.Replace("$billing_cust_email$", dtClientInfo.Rows[0]["Email_ID"].ToString());
            billingTelTemplate = billingTelTemplate.Replace("$billing_cust_tel$", dtClientInfo.Rows[0]["Phone_no"].ToString());
            billingStateTemplate = billingStateTemplate.Replace("$billing_cust_state$", dtClientInfo.Rows[0]["State"].ToString());
            billingCityTemplate = billingCityTemplate.Replace("$billing_cust_city$", dtClientInfo.Rows[0]["City"].ToString());
            billingZipTemplate = billingZipTemplate.Replace("$billing_zip_code$", dtClientInfo.Rows[0]["ZipCode"].ToString());

            strAmount = dt.Rows[i]["INR"].ToString();
            amountTemplate = amountTemplate.Replace("$Amount$", dt.Rows[i]["INR"].ToString());
            orderTemplate = orderTemplate.Replace("$Order_Id$", dt.Rows[i]["ClientID"].ToString());
            billingNameTemplate = billingNameTemplate.Replace("$billing_cust_name$", dtClientInfo.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString());

        return CCAvenueItems.ToString();

Another property to return checksum is

public string propcheckSum
    get {
        libfuncs objLib = new libfuncs();
        string strCheckSum = objLib.getchecksum("YourMerchantID", Session["ClientID"].ToString(), strAmount, "UrReturnUrl", "your working key");
        return strCheckSum;

And used this property in design source view as like below

    <input type="hidden" name="Merchant_Id" value="yourmerchantID" />
    <input type="hidden" name="Checksum" value="<%=propcheckSum%>" />
    <input type="hidden" name="Redirect_Url" value="YourWebsite'sThankyoupage.aspx" />
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" runat="server" />

You can get the merchant ID and generate the working key in CCAvenue website. That is in merchant login.

Hope this helps someone atleast.

You will have to signup first or contact them and ask for their payment integration manual. I don't think its same as integrating paypal in your website.



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