I need a RESTful httpclient for Ant.
None of the开发者_开发技巧 contrib related tasks seem to work anymore..
Hasn't anyone bridged Commons-HTTPClient and Ant yet?
Try using an Ant exec task and curl.
I have used CURL from ANT to POST files with the following macrodef:
<pathconvert property="curl.path" targetos="windows">
<path location="${lib.dir}/curl/curl.exe"/>
<macrodef name="post-file" description="Use Curl to post the file to the WEBDAV path">
<attribute name="file"/>
<attribute name="url" />
<attribute name="username" default="${username}" />
<attribute name="password" default="${password}" />
<echo message="Using CURL to upload @{file} to @{url}" />
<!--Execute curl to post the file to the URL -->
<exec executable="${curl.path}">
<arg value='-L'/>
<arg value='-k'/>
<arg value='-f'/>
<arg value='-s'/>
<arg value="--anyauth"/>
<arg value="-u"/>
<arg value="@{username}:@{password}"/>
<arg value="-T" />
<arg value='"@{file}"' />
<arg value='@{url}'/>
Execute the macrodef like this:
<target name="test-upload">
<post-file file="${file}"
password="${password}" />
I found this project http://fikin-ant-tasks.sourceforge.net/.
Last file update is 2007-03-12 so Im a bit worried about quality...
any users of it here?
There's an http post task in Antelope but it doesn't seem to support Basic Authentication. :/