I stumbled upon this site http://www.fujinonbinos.com/, and almost laughed out loud at the ridiculous use of the <font>
tag. Seriously, do a View Source!
So, I coudn't resist a post here to enquire if anyone else had any other spectacular examples of web pages with daft/stupid/crazy HTML that we could all visit and mock mercilessly!
CW for this one, so fire away :-)
It's a joke from a while back. The outline of all the <font>
tag forms the skyline of Mount Fuji or something. Can't find the link right now but it's definitely intentional, and an easter egg.
Where everything is made of absolutely positionned tables wrapped in divs
Actually, I remembered this one from a while back:
Still, the boy made a million, so maybe we can't mock too much.
that person seems great designer,,,,, lots of font tags,,,,,
and also the title of the site seems "index"