does Scala have an API to do a "chomp" on a String? Preferrably, I would like to convert a string "abcd \n" to "abcd"
Thanks Ajay开发者_Go百科
There's java.lang.String.trim()
, but that also removes leading whitespace. There's also RichString.stripLineEnd
, but that only removes \n
and \r
If you don't want to use Apache Commons Lang, you can roll your own, along these lines.
scala> def chomp(text: String) = text.reverse.dropWhile(" \n\r".contains(_)).reverse
chomp: (text: String)String
scala> "[" + chomp(" a b cd\r \n") + "]"
res28: java.lang.String = [ a b cd]
There is in fact an out of the box support for chomp1
scala> val input = "abcd\n"
input: java.lang.String =
scala> "[%s]".format(input)
res2: String =
scala> val chomped = input.stripLineEnd
chomped: String = abcd
scala> "[%s]".format(chomped)
res3: String = [abcd]
1 for some definition of chomp; really same answer as sepp2k but showing how to use it on String
Why not use Apache Commons Lang and the StringUtils.chomp() function ? One of the great things about Scala is that you can leverage off existing Java libraries.