Need assistance please. (More confused than anything really)
I've got ASP.NET mvc controller
public ActionResult Dashboard(string Whatever)
//Save name to database
System.IO.StreamWriter swLogFile = new StreamWriter(@"c:\temp\test.txt", true);
swLogFile.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now) + ":" + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Millisecond) + " - " + Whatever);
return Content("success");
Simply i want to capture what is passed from (string Whatever) when data is passed via prototype on my view form.
new Ajax.Request(this.options.saveurl,
{method:'post', Whatever:"Scott", onComplete:function(t)
{$('data').update(t.responseText + $('data').innerHTML);
} });
However when this executes the 'Whatever' is always nu开发者_StackOverflowll. Am i missing something. If i use jQuery i get no problems. (my jQuery example).
jQuery.noConflict();"/Home/Dashboard/Dashboardsave", { Whatever: "Scotta" }, function(data) { alert(data); });
Can anyone see what i'm doing wrong here?
You could use the parameters
new Ajax.Request(this.options.saveurl, {
method: 'post',
parameters: { Whatever: 'Scott' },
onComplete: function(t) {
$('data').update(t.responseText + $('data').innerHTML);