I have a drop down. whenever user changes it to a particular field. I want to go back to the server (send the selected id) and get a response back. Response back will basically be 1
or 2
If it is 1. then I want to disable an element with id one
开发者_JAVA技巧if it is 2. then I want to disable an element with id two
How can i achieve this using jquery?
what I have so far:
$('#product_prod_name').change(function ()
I'm kind of lost with jquery..
If I understand you correctly, the following should be a step in the right direction:
// Once the change event fires
// Fire a GET request to server with present value
$.get("/pages/response_back", {"var":$(this).val()}, function(result) {
$("#"+result).attr("disabled", "disabled"); // should be #1 or #2
This assumes that your server will always respond with "1" or "2". If it can have some other response, you may want to make this a switch
, or some other conditional check prior to disabling the element.
$("#product_prod_name").change(function() {
$.get("/pages/response_back", { name: $(this).val() }, function(result) {
$("#one").toggle(result == 1);
$("#two").toggle(result == 2);
This will properly show/hide each element regardless of the number of times the user changes the selection. If the server returns 1, it'll show #one and hide #two. Vice-versa, if the server returns 2, it'll show #two and hide #one. I've made it explicit for you to easily understand what's going on. Take a look at http://api.jquery.com/toggle/