I tried of checking contains option using jquery for the birthday but its getting exception
var _dob = "4/10";
// this line doesn't work
var _adob = _dob.contains('/') ? _dob.Split('/') : _dob.Split('-');
but i can't able to split.. its resulting in error on getting _adob itself
Try this:
var _dob = "4/10";
var _adob;
if (_dob.indexOf("/") >-1) {
_adob = _dob.split("/");
} else {
_adob - _dob.split("-");
Direct Answer
var _dob = "4/10";
var _adob = _dob.indexOf('/')>-1 ? _dob.split('/') : _dob.split('-');
You really don't need to check that the string contains that... Using a regular expression, you can split on a -
, /
, or .
by building a character set:
var _dob = '4.10';
var _aodb = _dob.split(new RegExp('[-/.]'));