
Using Telerik Extensions in asp.net MVC Control

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-19 18:19 出处:网络
Hello Freinds I am new to this Asp.net MVC Control.. I have a page which I implemented previously using Jquery I am dispalying the data in grid control.

Hello Freinds I am new to this Asp.net MVC Control.. I have a page which I implemented previously using Jquery I am dispalying the data in grid control. now I need to change that Jquery grid to Telerik grid.. I included Script in aspx page as weel as I aded telrik dll in my References..

I added all the telrik specification to the site master page and solutinos explorer..

I followed the demo in telrik site.. but I am not getting the out put result to my page.. that I can not see the grid result.. The code followed like this

I added all the telrik specification to the site master page and solutinos explorer..

and in开发者_如何学Go view I wrote like this

    .Columns(columns =>
        columns.Add(o => o.A).Width(100);
        columns.Add(o => o.B).Width(200);
        columns.Add(o => o.C);
        columns.Add(o => o.D).Width(120);
        columns.Add(o => o.E).Width(100);
    .Ajax(ajax => ajax.Action("_AjaxBinding", "Grid"))

and in Controller I wrote

public ActionResult AjaxBinding()
        return View();
    public ActionResult _AjaxBinding()
        return View(new GridModel<tableName>
            Data = repository.GetAllinfo()

when I ran I am not getting any exceptions but I am not able to see the result in grid on the page..

this GetAllInfo code is

public IEnumerable<tableName> GetAllinfo()
        //Try to retrieve clients from the cache
        var index = cache.Get<IEnumerable<tablename>>("A");

        //Check for empty cache
        if (null == index)
            index = tablename.All();
            cache.Store("c", A);

        return A;


is there anything I need to do extra to get result in the grid view?


Change this:

<% Html.Telerik().Grid<TableName>()

to this

<%= Html.Telerik().Grid<TableName>()

The grid will not emit its HTML unless <%= %> is used or the Render() method is called.



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