I have a small web-server that I wrote with Sinatra. I want to be able to log messages to a log file. I've read through http://www.sinatrarb.co开发者_运维问答m/api/index.html and www.sinatrarb.com/intro.html, and I see that Rack has something called Rack::CommonLogger, but I can't find any examples of how it can be accessed and used to log messages. My app is simple so I wrote it as a top-level DSL, but I can switch to subclassing it from SinatraBase if that's part of what's required.
won't provide a logger to your main app, it will just logs the request like Apache would do.
Check the code by yourself: https://github.com/rack/rack/blob/master/lib/rack/common_logger.rb
All Rack
apps have the call method that get's invoked with the HTTP Request env, if you check the call method of this middleware this is what happens:
def call(env)
began_at = Time.now
status, header, body = @app.call(env)
header = Utils::HeaderHash.new(header)
log(env, status, header, began_at)
[status, header, body]
The @app
in this case is the main app, the middleware is just registering the time the request began at, then it class your middleware getting the [status, header, body] triple, and then invoke a private log method with those parameters, returning the same triple that your app returned in the first place.
The logger
method goes like:
def log(env, status, header, began_at)
now = Time.now
length = extract_content_length(header)
logger = @logger || env['rack.errors']
logger.write FORMAT % [
env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] || env["REMOTE_ADDR"] || "-",
env["REMOTE_USER"] || "-",
now.strftime("%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S"),
env["QUERY_STRING"].empty? ? "" : "?"+env["QUERY_STRING"],
now - began_at ]
As you can tell, the log
method just grabs some info from the request env, and logs in on a logger that is specified on the constructor call, if there is no logger instance then it goes to the rack.errors
logger (it seems there is one by default)
The way to use it (in your config.ru
logger = Logger.new('log/app.log')
use Rack::CommonLogger, logger
run YourApp
If you want to have a common logger in all your app, you could create a simple logger middleware:
class MyLoggerMiddleware
def initialize(app, logger)
@app, @logger = app, logger
def call(env)
env['mylogger'] = @logger
To use it, on your config.ru
logger = Logger.new('log/app.log')
use Rack::CommonLogger, logger
use MyLoggerMiddleware, logger
run MyApp
Hope this helps.
In your config.ru
root = ::File.dirname(__FILE__)
logfile = ::File.join(root,'logs','requests.log')
require 'logger'
class ::Logger; alias_method :write, :<<; end
logger = ::Logger.new(logfile,'weekly')
use Rack::CommonLogger, logger
require ::File.join(root,'myapp')
run MySinatraApp.new # Subclassed from Sinatra::Application
I followed what I found on this blog post - excerpted below
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
disable :run
set :env, :production
set :raise_errors, true
set :views, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/views'
set :public, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/public'
set :app_file, __FILE__
log = File.new("log/sinatra.log", "a")
require 'app'
run Sinatra.application
then use puts
or print
. It worked for me.
class ErrorLogger
def initialize(file)
@file = ::File.new(file, "a+")
@file.sync = true
def puts(msg)
@file.write("-- ERROR -- #{Time.now.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")}: ")
class App < Sinatra::Base
if production?
error_logger = ErrorLogger.new('log/error.log')
before {
env["rack.errors"] = error_logger
Reopening STDOUT and redirecting it to a file is not a good idea if you use Passenger. It causes in my case that Passenger does not start. Read https://github.com/phusion/passenger/wiki/Debugging-application-startup-problems#stdout-redirection for this issue.
This would be the right way instead:
logger = ::File.open('log/sinatra.log', 'a+')
Sinatra::Application.use Rack::CommonLogger, logger