
post action for url.action?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-19 11:02 出处:网络
Here is a line of code in my Controller class: return JavaScript(String.Format(\"windo开发者_Python百科w.top.location.href=\'{0}\';\", Url.Action(\"MyAction\", \"MyController\")))

Here is a line of code in my Controller class:

return JavaScript(String.Format("windo开发者_Python百科w.top.location.href='{0}';", Url.Action("MyAction", "MyController")))

Is there a way to make it use the verb=post version of MyAction?

You can't use POST by simply navigating to a different URL. (Which is what you'd do by changing location.href.)

Using POST only makes sense when submitting some data. It's not clear from your code what data would actually be POSTed.

If you really want to initiate a POST via javascript try using it to submit a form.

I came across the same problem myself and solved it using a data- attribute and some jQuery. The benefit of doing it this way is that you still get the correct URL when you hover over the link, even though it does a POST. Note that the Html.BeginForm contains the default action in case the user hits the enter key.


@using (Html.BeginForm("Quick", "Search"))
    <input type="text" name="SearchText" />
    <a href="@Url.Action("Quick", "Search")" data-form-method="post">Search</a>
    <a href="@Url.Action("Advanced", "Search")" data-form-method="post">Advanced</a>


$("a[data-form-method='post']").click(function (event) {
    var element = $(this);
    var action = element.attr("href");
    element.closest("form").each(function () {
        var form = $(this);
        form.attr("action", action);

Continuing off of Matt Lacey's answer, your action could return a bit of Javascript that does this:

  1. Use jquery to add a new form to the DOM
  2. Use jquery to submit the newly added form

Something like this: (untested code)

var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(...);
var redirectUrl = urlHelper.Action("MyAction", "MyController");

var redirectScript = String.Format(@"
    var formTag = $('<form action=""{0}"" method=""post"" id=""redirectForm""></form>');
    , redirectUrl

return JavaScript(redirectScript);


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