I'm about to start a new ASP.NET MVC application. In it开发者_C百科 we have a number of drop downs lists/boxes. I have no problem rending them to the ui etc.
My two questions are:-
- Is it possible to bind the selected value of a drop down list to an enumeration? Does anyone else actually do this (if this is possible)
- Are there any good code practices to prevent the code from throwning an exception if a user tries to inject a different value for the drop down. Eg. instead of posting the selected value which is a number/int .. they try and hack the post data and change it to a string of non numbers. And what is this security hack/exploit, called?
cheers :)
As jfar posted, use:
string selectedValue = "1";
SelectListItem[] selectListItems = Enum.GetNames(typeof(MyEnumeration)).Select(
s => new SelectListItem { Text = s, Value = s, Selected = s == selectedValue}).ToArray();
which is from MVCContrib, you don't to include the DLL, this is just code found in MVCContrib.
To protect against CSRF(Cross Site Request Forgery), you can use the <%= Html.AntiForgeryToken() %>
in the view under the respective form that will be posted, and decorate the appropriate action with [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
. More details on the Html.AntiForgeryToken()
can be found here.
EDIT As per Comment
Well first, you'll need to place the SelectListItem[]
in the ViewData so you can access it in the view:
public ActionResult MyView(string enumValue)
string selectedValue = "1"; // fill this with the value you want to be selected
SelectListItem[] selectListItems = Enum.GetNames(typeof(MyEnumeration)).Select(
s => new SelectListItem { Text = s, Value = s, Selected = s == selectedValue}).ToArray();
ViewData["enumValue"] = selectListItems;
return View();
and in your view the following form will work.
<form method="post">
<%= Html.AntiForgeryToken() %>
<%= Html.DropDownList("enumValue") %>
The HTML helper will output the proper select
Back in your controller, this is the action that will accept the form post
public ActionResult MyView(int enumValue)
// enumValue will have the selected value
ViewData["Message"] = "You selected the Enum name" + Enum.GetName(typeof(MyEnumeration), enumValue);
return View();
From MVCContrib:
SelectListItem[] selectListItems = Enum.GetNames(propertyInfo.PropertyType).Select(
s => new SelectListItem {Text = s, Value = s, Selected = s == value.ToString()}).ToArray();
If the enum values are always known you could use a parameter constraint in your routes: http://www.asp.net/(S(pdfrohu0ajmwt445fanvj2r3))/learn/mvc/tutorial-24-cs.aspx
That way nothing will ever be able to Get or Post to you receiving action method.