I have defined my JavaScript function as follows:
function printCompanyName(company1, company2, company3, company4, company5)
document.write("<p>" + company1 + "</p>");
document.write("<p>" + company2 + "</p>");
document.write("<p>" + company3 + "</p>");
document.write("<p>" + company4 + "</p>");
document.write("<p>" + company5 + "</p>");
And called it as follows:
printCompanyName("Dell, Microsoft, Apple, Gizmodo, Amazon");
But I get the following output:
Dell, Microsoft, Apple, Gizmodo, Amazon
What gives!? I have been trying to figure this out for hrs. I want:
You're passing a single string that happens to contain 4 commas.
Therefore, the first parameter contains that single string, and the other 4 are undefined. (Sisnce you only gave one value)
Since Javascript parameters are optional, you don't get an error by not passing values for the other parameters.
You need to pass 5 different strings with commas between them, like this:
printCompanyName("Dell", "Microsoft", "Apple", "Gizmodo", "Amazon");
You want to call:
printCompanyName("Dell", "Microsoft", "Apple", "Gizmodo", "Amazon");
The way you're currently doing it you're passing in one company "Dell, Microsoft, Apple, Gizmodo, Amazon".
Try this:
printCompanyName("Dell", "Microsoft", "Apple", "Gizmodo", "Amazon");
additional informations :
A way to use the function with the parameter as a string commas separated :
function printCompanyName(names)
// also check the type of names (you know "if it is a string object")
var data = names.split(',');
for(var i in data) {
document.write("<p>" + data[i].trim() + "</p>");
exemple: printCompanyName("Dell, Microsoft, Apple, Gizmodo, Amazon");
Otherwise a multi parameters function using the internal arguments var :
function printCompanyName()
for(var i in arguments) {
document.write("<p>" + arguments[i] + "</p>");
exemple: printCompanyName('Dell', 'Microsoft', 'Apple', 'Gizmodo', 'Amazon');
juste like SLaks said.