
How to connect XAMPP MySQL local DB using JDBC?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-19 03:40 出处:网络
I have this Tetris game written in Java, which uses DB to record high scores. It worked ok as long as I was using remote MySQL DB, but now I\'m trying to set up localhost DB using XAMPP MySQL and it k

I have this Tetris game written in Java, which uses DB to record high scores. It worked ok as long as I was using remote MySQL DB, but now I'm trying to set up localhost DB using XAMPP MySQL and it keeps going like "SQLException: Communications link failure" at command:

con = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/score", user, psw);

I guess it's either wrong URL or DB configuration, but I really don't know what to check. Any ideas?

EDIT: My friend has fixed my problem by replacing "localhost" in URL by "" (which was开发者_JAVA技巧 quite embarrassing as you can surely imagine :P ).

So question is: Why is XAMPP not able to translate "localhost" into IP address and how to fix it?

Why is XAMPP not able to translate "localhost" into IP address and how to fix it?

This is not a XAMPP problem nor a programming problem. This is more a DNS problem.

To start, do you have a %SystemRoot%/system32/drivers/etc/hosts file with the following line as first line? (thus, after all comments, but before any other host declarations) localhost

Update: as per the comments I've Googled a bit and it look like that the MySQL JDBC driver doesn't eat IPv6 addresses at all. In other words, you'll need to change ::1 to But I also found this topic which mentions that you can use the following JVM argument to fix this problem:

java -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true 

I tried and got a successful connection. First create a database in phpmyadmin - eg. 'mydb' and then in code put connection.url with this value


If you don't create a database first it wont connect

In MySql you have to allow access for your user from localhost explicitly. Here is an example (taken from here):

mysql> grant usage on *.* to amarokuser@localhost identified by 'amarokpasswd';
mysql> grant all privileges on amarokdb.* to amarokuser@localhost ;


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