
Python - efficient method to remove all non-letters and replace them with underscores

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-18 20:24 出处:网络
def format_title(title): \'\'.join(map(lambda x: x if (x.isupper() or x.开发者_如何学运维islower()) else \'_\', title.strip()))
def format_title(title):  
  ''.join(map(lambda x: x if (x.isupper() or x.开发者_如何学运维islower()) else '_', title.strip()))

Anything faster?

The faster way to do it is to use str.translate() This is ~50 times faster than your way

# You only need to do this once
>>> title_trans=''.join(chr(c) if chr(c).isupper() or chr(c).islower() else '_' for c in range(256))

>>> "abcde1234!@%^".translate(title_trans)

# Using map+lambda
$ python -m timeit '"".join(map(lambda x: x if (x.isupper() or x.islower()) else "_", "abcd1234!@#$".strip()))'
10000 loops, best of 3: 21.9 usec per loop

# Using str.translate
$ python -m timeit -s 'titletrans="".join(chr(c) if chr(c).isupper() or chr(c).islower() else "_" for c in range(256))' '"abcd1234!@#$".translate(titletrans)'
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.422 usec per loop

# Here is regex for a comparison
$ python -m timeit -s 'import re;transre=re.compile("[\W\d]+")' 'transre.sub("_","abcd1234!@#$")'
100000 loops, best of 3: 3.17 usec per loop

Here is a version for unicode

# coding: UTF-8

def format_title_unicode_translate(title):
    return title.translate(title_unicode_trans)

class TitleUnicodeTranslate(dict):
    def __missing__(self,item):
        uni = unichr(item)
        res = u"_"
        if uni.isupper() or uni.islower():
            res = uni
        self[item] = res
        return res

print format_title_unicode_translate(u"Metallica Μεταλλικα")

Note that the Greek letters count as upper and lower, so they are not substituted. If they are to be substituted, simply change the condition to

        if item<256 and (uni.isupper() or uni.islower()):

import re
title = re.sub("[\W\d]", "_", title.strip())

should be faster.

If you want to replace a succession of adjacent non-letters with a single underscore, use

title = re.sub("[\W\d]+", "_", title.strip())

instead which is even faster.

I just ran a time comparison:

C:\>python -m timeit -n 100 -s "data=open('test.txt').read().strip()" "''.join(map(lambda x: x if (x.isupper() or x.islower()) else '_', data))"
100 loops, best of 3: 4.51 msec per loop

C:\>python -m timeit -n 100 -s "import re; regex=re.compile('[\W\d]+'); data=open('test.txt').read().strip()" "title=regex.sub('_',data)"
100 loops, best of 3: 2.35 msec per loop

This will work on Unicode strings, too (under Python 3, \W matches any character which is not a Unicode word character. Under Python 2, you'd have to additionally set the UNICODE flag for this).

Instead of (x.isupper() or x.islower()) you should be able to use x.isalpha(). The isalpha() method might return True for '_' (I don't remember if it does or not) but then you'll just end up replacing '_' with '_' so no harm done. (Thanks for pointing that out, KennyTM.)

Curious about this for my own reasons I wrote a quick script to test the different approaches listed here along with just removing the lambda which I expected (incorrectly) would speed up the original solution.

The short version is that the str.translate approach blows the other ones away. As an aside the regex solution, while a close second, is in correct as written above.

Here is my test program:

import re
from time import time

def format_title(title):
    return ''.join(map(lambda x: x if (x.isupper() or x.islower()) else "_",

def format_title_list_comp(title):
    return ''.join([x if x.isupper() or x.islower() else "_" for x in

def format_title_list_comp_is_alpha(title):
    return ''.join([x if x.isalpha() else "_" for x in title.strip()])

def format_title_is_alpha(title):
    return ''.join(map(lambda x: x if x.isalpha() else '_', title.strip()))

def format_title_no_lambda(title):

    def trans(c):
        if c.isupper() or c.islower():
            return c
        return "_"

    return ''.join(map(trans, title.strip()))

def format_title_no_lambda_is_alpha(title):

    def trans(c):
        if c.isalpha():
            return c
        return "_"

    return ''.join(map(trans, title.strip()))

def format_title_re(title):
    return re.sub("[\W\d]+", "_", title.strip())

def format_title_re_corrected(title):
    return re.sub("[\W\d]", "_", title.strip())

TITLE_TRANS = ''.join(chr(c) if chr(c).isalpha() else '_' for c in range(256))

def format_title_with_translate(title):
    return title.translate(TITLE_TRANS)

EXAMPLE_TITLE = "abc123def_$%^!FOO BAR*bazx-bif"

def timetest(f):
    start = time()
    for i in xrange(ITERATIONS):
        result = f(EXAMPLE_TITLE)
    diff = time() - start
    return result, diff

baseline_result, baseline_time = timetest(format_title)

def print_result(f, result, time):
    if result == baseline_result:
        msg = "CORRECT"
        msg = "INCORRECT"
    diff = time - baseline_time
    if diff < 0:
        indicator = ""
        indicator = "+"
    pct = (diff / baseline_time) * 100
    print "%s: %0.3fs %s%0.3fs [%s%0.4f%%] (%s - %s)" % (
        f.__name__, time, indicator, diff, indicator, pct, result, msg)

print_result(format_title, baseline_result, baseline_time)

print "----"

for f in [format_title_is_alpha,
    alt_result, alt_time = timetest(f)
    print_result(f, alt_result, alt_time)

And here are the results:

format_title: 3.121s +0.000s [+0.0000%] (abc___def_____FOO_BAR_bazx_bif - CORRECT)
format_title_is_alpha: 2.336s -0.785s [-25.1470%] (abc___def_____FOO_BAR_bazx_bif - CORRECT)
format_title_list_comp: 2.369s -0.751s [-24.0773%] (abc___def_____FOO_BAR_bazx_bif - CORRECT)
format_title_list_comp_is_alpha: 1.735s -1.386s [-44.4021%] (abc___def_____FOO_BAR_bazx_bif - CORRECT)
format_title_no_lambda: 2.992s -0.129s [-4.1336%] (abc___def_____FOO_BAR_bazx_bif - CORRECT)
format_title_no_lambda_is_alpha: 2.377s -0.744s [-23.8314%] (abc___def_____FOO_BAR_bazx_bif - CORRECT)
format_title_re: 1.290s -1.831s [-58.6628%] (abc_def__FOO_BAR_bazx_bif - INCORRECT)
format_title_re_corrected: 1.338s -1.782s [-57.1165%] (abc___def_____FOO_BAR_bazx_bif - CORRECT)
format_title_with_translate: 0.098s -3.022s [-96.8447%] (abc___def_____FOO_BAR_bazx_bif - CORRECT)
  • EDITED: I added a variation that shows list comprehensions significantly improve the original implementation as well as a correct regex implementation that shows it's still nearly as fast when correct. Of course str.translate still wins hands down.

import string,sys
mystring = list("abc134#$@e##$%%$*&(()#def")
for n,c in enumerate(mystring):
  if not c in letters:
print ''.join(mystring)


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