
Use numpy to mask an image with a pattern?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-18 19:42 出处:网络
I\'m using numpy to build pixel arrays.An 800x600 image is an 3-dimensional array of uint8, 800x600x3.I also have a similar array with a fixed pattern (a checkerboard, see here). I have another array,

I'm using numpy to build pixel arrays. An 800x600 image is an 3-dimensional array of uint8, 800x600x3. I also have a similar array with a fixed pattern (a checkerboard, see here). I have another array, 800x600 of mask values. Where the mask is zero, I want to copy the pattern pixel to the image pixel. Where the mask is not zero, I want to leave the image pixel alone.

>>> image.shape
(800, 600, 3)
>>> chex.shape
(800, 600, 3)
>>> mask.shape
(800, 600)

This feels like it should work:开发者_运维百科

image[mask == 0,...] = chex

but gives "ValueError: array is not broadcastable to correct shape".

What do I use to copy chex pixels to image pixels where mask is zero?


Note that image has shape (800,600,3), while idx has shape (800,600). The rules for indexing state

if the selection tuple is smaller than n, then as many : objects as needed are added to the end of the selection tuple so that the modified selection tuple has length N.

Thus indexing arrays have a sort of broadcasting ability of their own. idx's shape gets promoted to (800,600,:)

I wanted to illustrate an example using @unutbu answer. In this scenario, I have an image of a cat that I rotate. This rotation causes some black edges that look ugly especially when pasted on a non-black background.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.ndimage import rotate

cat = plt.imread('cat.jpeg')
bg = plt.imread('background.jpeg')

rotcat = rotate(cat, angle=8, reshape=True) ## rotating creates some black edges
height, width, _ = rotcat.shape

bgcopy = bg.copy() ## create a copy of the background; paste on copy

x, y = 40, 50 
bgcopy[x:x+height, y:y+width] = rotcat
plt.imsave('cat-on-bg-mask.jpg', bgcopy)

Use numpy to mask an image with a pattern?

So, I find the areas of the mask and replace those values with the original background values

mask_ind = (bgcopy == 0)
bgcopy[mask_ind] = bg[mask_ind]
plt.imsave('cat-on-bg.jpg', bgcopy)

Use numpy to mask an image with a pattern?

I should also note that PIL.Image (from the Pillow library) has the ability to paste an image onto another image with fewer steps.

I found it easiest to create a mask wherein 1 = "pixel to keep" and 0 = "pixel to remove".

Then I multiplied my image by that mask to remove the unwanted pixels. Example to retain only the frame (outside) of a portrait:

from scipy.misc import imread
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

im = imread('portrait.jpg', mode='L') # read in image
plt.imshow(im) # show the original image

Use numpy to mask an image with a pattern?

mask = np.ones(im.shape) # create a mask with the image's shape
bw = 0.1 # identify border width and height as fraction of image size
bx = int(im.shape[1] * bw) # get the x dimension border width
by = int(im.shape[0] * bw) # get the y dimension border height
mask[bx:-bx,by:-by] = 0 # create a mask with 1 for border and 0 for inside

masked = im * mask # multiply `im` by the mask to zero out non-border pixels
plt.imshow(masked) # show the result of the masking operation

Use numpy to mask an image with a pattern?


image[mask[:] == 0,...] = chex[mask[:] == 0,...]

I used arrays of 8x6x3, 8x6x3, and 8x6 to represent your image array, checker array, and mask array respectively.

# first create mini-versions of your arrays:
mask = NP.random.random_integers(0, 1, 48).reshape(8, 6)
img = NP.random.random_integers(3, 9, 8*6*3).reshape(8, 6, 3)
chk = NP.ones((8, 6, 3))

# all the work done in these two lines
mask = mask[:,:,NP.newaxis]
res = NP.where(mask==0, chk, img)


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