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Closed 9 years ago.
Improve this questionHow do you install Tomcat 6 as a service using the Wix ServiceInstall Tag? Is there a way to do it, or do I need to use a custom action to call the executable or batch file that comes with it to install the service?
The Windows Installer requires the KeyPath of the Component with a ServiceInstall element ot be the file that is the service. Said a different way, you must mark the Tomcat 6 service executable (tomcat.exe?) File element with KeyPath="yes". Then put the ServiceInstall element in the same Component.
If you are not installing the Tomcat 6 service executable yourself then you do have to turn to a custom action. Remember with a custom action to think about repair/upgrade/uninstall/patching and rollback for all that. Custom actions are a lot of work.
In addition to the ServiceInstall tag, you will need to manually add a few Registry keys. This is because Tomcat uses Procrun to run as service.
You can try installing the service using service.bat and inspect the registry keys in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\ProcRun 2.0\
For reference: commons.apache.org/proper/commons-daemon/procrun.html