I'm working currently on a simple project which consist of a ScatterView with a lot of items and then a Navigation (Implemented as many buttons).
The problem is that i will like to have the ScatterView on top of everything, so that users can interact on the whole window as they want.
I tried different things:
If I put the navigation on top of the ScatterView then as soon as someone draggs something into the navigation, then after releasing the item, it will fal开发者_运维技巧l down behind the navigation, and you are not able to pick it anymore.
If I put the navigation behind the ScatterView, then I cannot click the navigation since the scatterView consumes all events.
Do you have any idea how to solve this problem?
set Background="{x:Null}" on the scatterview and then put it on top of your other stuff
I guess that you are using WPF and Surface. If that's true, maybe you can put the Navigation-Stuff inside the ScatterView, together with the other items that you want to move/scale/rotate, and if you do not want the navigation to be moved you can you disable "CanMove", "CanRotate" and "CanScale" and give the Navigation a fixed position in your scatterview with "Center" and "Orientation" . So the items and the navigation will be on the same layer.