
Saving huge bigram dictionary to file using pickle

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-18 04:00 出处:网络
a friend of mine wrote this little progam. the textFile is 1.2GB in size (7 years worth of newspapers).

a friend of mine wrote this little progam. the textFile is 1.2GB in size (7 years worth of newspapers). He successfully manages to create the dictionary but he cannot write it to a file using pickle(program hangs).

import sys
import string
import cPickle as pickle

biGramDict = {}

textFile = open(str(sys.argv[1]), 'r')
biGramDictFile = open(str(sys.argv[2]), 'w')

for line in textFile:
   if (line.find('<s>')!=-1):
      old = None
      for line2 in textFile:
         if (line2.find('</s>')!=-1):
            if line2 not in string.punctuation:
               if old != None:
                  if old not in biGramDict:
                     biGramDict[old] = {}
                  if line2 not in biGramDict[old]:
                     biGramDict[old][line2] = 0


print "going to pickle..."    
pickle.dump(biGramDict, biGramDictFile,2)

print "pickle done. now load it..."

biGramDictFile = open(str(sys.argv[2]), 'r')

newBiGramDict = pickle.load(biGramDictFile)

thanks in advance.


for anyone interested i will briefly explain what this program does. assuming you have a file formated roughly like this:

  • <s> are sentences separators.
  • one word per line.

a biGramDictionary is generated for later use.

something like this:

 "Hello": {"World": 1, "munde": 1}, 
 "World": {"domination": 2},
 "Total": {"World": 1},

hope this helps. right now the strategy changed to using mysql because sqlite just wasn't working (probably because of the size)

Pickle is only meant to write complete (small) objects. Your dictionary is a bit large to even hold in memory, you'd better use a database instead so you can store and retrieve entries one by one instead of all at once.

Some good and easily integratable singe-file database formats you can use from Python are SQLite or one of the DBM variants. The last one acts just like a dictionary (i.e. you can read and write key/value-pairs) but uses the disk as storage rather than 1.2 GBs of memory.

Do you really need the whole data in memory? You could split it in naive ways like one file for each year o each month if you want the dictionary/pickle approach.

Also, remember that the dictionaries are not sorted, you can have problems having to sort that ammount of data. In case you want to search or sort the data, of course...

Anyway, I think that the database approach commented before is the most flexible one, specially on the long run...

One solution is to use buzhug instead of pickle. It's a pure Python solution, and retains very Pythonic syntax. I think of it as the next step up from shelve and their ilk. It will handle the data sizes you're talking about. Its size limit is 2 GB per field (each field is stored in a separate file).

If your really, really want to use a dictionary like semantics, try SQLAlchemy's associationproxy. The following (rather long) piece of code translates your dictionary into Key,Value-Pairs in the entries-Table. I do not know how SQLAlchemy copes with your big dictionary, but SQLite should be able to handle it nicely.

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, ForeignKey, Unicode, UnicodeText
from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, sessionmaker, scoped_session, Query, relation
from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import column_mapped_collection
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
from sqlalchemy.schema import UniqueConstraint

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///newspapers.db')

metadata = MetaData()
metadata.bind = engine

Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(engine))
session = Session()

newspapers = Table('newspapers', metadata,
    Column('newspaper_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('newspaper_name', Unicode(128)),

entries = Table('entries', metadata,
    Column('entry_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('newspaper_id', Integer, ForeignKey('newspapers.newspaper_id')),
    Column('entry_key', Unicode(255)),
    Column('entry_value', UnicodeText),
    UniqueConstraint('entry_key', 'entry_value', name="pair"),

class Base(object):

    def __init__(self, **kw):
        for key, value in kw.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)

    query = Session.query_property(Query)

def create_entry(key, value):
    return Entry(entry_key=key, entry_value=value)

class Newspaper(Base):

    entries = association_proxy('entry_dict', 'entry_value',

class Entry(Base):

mapper(Newspaper, newspapers, properties={
    'entry_dict': relation(Entry,
mapper(Entry, entries)


dictionary = {
    u'foo': u'bar',
    u'baz': u'quux'

roll = Newspaper(newspaper_name=u"The Toilet Roll")

roll.entries = dictionary

for entry in Entry.query.all():
    print entry.entry_key, entry.entry_value


print Newspaper.query.filter_by(newspaper_id=1).one().entries


foo bar
baz quux
{u'foo': u'bar', u'baz': u'quux'}

I captured images from http://coverartarchive.org and although slow downloading so many images, pickle had no problem with 155 MB:

$ ll
total 151756
-rw-rw-r--  1 rick rick 155208082 Oct 10 10:04 ipc.pickle

As I move beyond downloading images for just one CD, I'll come back and update this answer with larger pickle limits. Unfortunately I haven't found anywhere that states the pickling limits...



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