I have a Qt application, and when I run this application, there is a console opening behind it. In development it is nice because i see debug outputs on the console, but when I want to give this executable to the customer there should be no console window. how do I hide it?
(I am using Visual St开发者_如何学Cudio 2008)
In the project build linker options set
Or use the following #pragma in the source file with the int main(...)
#pragma comment(linker, "/SUBSYSTEM:windows /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup")
It sounds like your linker configuration is incorrect. Right-click the project, Properties, Linker, System, SubSystem setting. Make sure "Windows" is selected, not "Console".
And, change main() to WinMain().
You can get rid of the console by calling:
i use that method and it worked
HWND hwnd = GetConsoleWindow();
ShowWindow(hwnd, 0);
Next solution ;)
Env: WixXP x64, msvs 2008, Qt v4.5.3
Set Projects settings/Configuration properties/Linker/System/SubSystem = Windows (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS)
But For x64 there is linker error: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _WinMain referenced in function _WinMainCRTStartup" To avoid it
Replace the following code:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); // your code* }
int WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, char*, int nShowCmd) { int argc = 0; QApplication app( argc, 0 ); }
It works fine for both - Win32 and x64 platforms.
May be the better option will be not to simply remove (as Andy M suggested) but edit *.pro file adding something like
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
CONFIG *= console
else {
CONFIG -= console
In debug you can see console window but not in release. I like it. =)
If you use Properties->Linker->System->SubSystem | Windows
And get a linker error.
You can look at Linker->Advanced-> Entry Point
and set the value to the name of your "main" function.
That is your Entry Point becomes, main, if your main function is a "main".
I would suggest to check the presence of the following line in your .PRO file :
CONFIG += console
If you can find it, remove it ! It should fix your issue !
Hope it helps !
For those of you editing the .vcxproj directly, you want to add a SubSystem
with the value Windows
to your Link
as follows:
Go to: Projects --> Run
and uncheck Run in terminal
step 1:- Set Properties->Linker->System->SubSystem is "Windows (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS)"
Step 2:- Linker->Advanced-> Entry Point "main"
If all of the properties settings not working above, maybe check to delete 'return app.exec' and 'system("pause")' would help
This worked for me:
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
CONFIG *= console
else {
CONFIG -= console
I needed to run an exe to monitor a file using QFileSystemWatcher
so I used this:
CONFIG -= console